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    tool and die maker


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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Hi Point 380
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  1. P_Taylor


    I have an 18" DSA FAL and a 16" Savage MSR-10. The Savage has a better trigger and is easier to mount optics , other than those 2 things I prefer the FAL.
  2. Looked at 2011s for years but was never willing to pay the price. Picked up a Tisas Saturday and I may be impressed enough to spend on another 2011 of some kind. One in 10mm would be nice.
  3. Only ones I have seen are 9s and the weight difference is not much. Been told they are more accurate but have not shot one myself. Probably pass on one but a steel frame I would give a try.
  4. Underwood claims 1175 fps on this round. Ordered a box to try out a few shots. 3 rounds clocked 1185 , 1200 and 1204 fps out of a 5 inch Apex barrel. Set up five 2 litre pop bottles of water and it went through three of them. Set up five more as a comparison and a standard pressure Underwood 230gr went through all five and kept on going. Also out of a 5 inch barrel. Just for entertainment , water bottle do not tell a lot.
  5. P_Taylor


    That is pretty much what I have heard about them. Thanks ,
  6. P_Taylor


    Any opinions on these pistols? I only know what I have read and seen on the internet. Considering a long slide Mete and have not found much negative on them.
  7. Another M&P .40 here most days but still carry a 5 inch 1911 now and then.
  8. I did not word that very well , should have been "only" at the Alabama meet. It was clear Alabama had the rifle listed. ......product of Ky public education system.
  9. Ok....where is the G34?? Alabama and Oliver Springs are both about a 4 hr drive for me , I am reading things right the rifle drills will be at the Alabama location?
  10. That is several years old and some do not have enough data to mean anything such as the AK round and 10mm. You can see the rounds becoming more effective as they get larger. 9mm and .40 look pretty close to each other , 357 mag and 45acp look like a step up from them. Most of the common rounds look worth considering but they do not look like they are all the same. Looks like ....shoot them in the head/neck....more than once...with a large caliber....for best results.
  11. I shoot what I carry , my reloads duplicate bullet weight and velocity of my carry ammo for practice. Currently carry .40 MP or 1911s in 45 , both 5 inch thumb safety models to keep them similair. About done with 40 , once my stock is used up I will probably phase them out. Other than a little barrier penetration the 9mm performs about the same these days. Get up a little bigger 45 and 10mm and there starts to be some performance difference again.
  12. Knew a K9 Deputy out in Idaho that carried one of these. His hands were full with the dogs and this made it hard to pack a long gun so he packed a Grizzly.


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