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Posts posted by hipower

  1. I've got an OLD Daisy here by the back door. Use it for crow control. This thing still has some zing to it. I broke one of the wife's big ceramic pots with it. I swear I wasn't shooting at the pot! Just using it as a target stand...until the stand fell over.

    Then I may or may not have shot a few more times at the pot. 

    It's still stronger than one of the Red Ryder Commemoratives I bought at Sam's a few years ago.

  2. 13 hours ago, turkeydad said:

    If the torn labrum in my left hip would have made the trip I would have been carrying the mail west hard and fast before he could have marked this ad sold pending meet. 

    Nothing quite like a good 1911 in 9mm!

    Take care of that injury! As on old guy, I sometimes do things I should't...and very often pay a higher price in the long run for my impatient self.


  3. OH MY! My established drive limit policy would have gone out the window on this one had I been here to see it this morning! But was out completing a buy.

    Buyer got a great gun on this sale!! Had several, ok a lot of Springfield pistols; and their 1911 is absolutely great! Sad I couldn't be here to explain to my wife why I would be gone for 8+ hours today! 


  4. You need to hook up with Handsome Rob. I think he's from your part of the world also.

    Temptations everywhere! I know. I caved in to many of them when I first found TGO. But I had a good job and income back then. lol. Now older, retired and no source of money to feed my habits.

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  5. 10 hours ago, BigBaldBrit said:

    I keep seeing this and it makes me really want to buy it! Funds don’t allow at the moment though.


    Welcome, sir. But be forewarned...The Legion posts lots of tempting items! He really is a good guy, just makes life hard on us old broke people!

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  6. 8 hours ago, JKGlock17 said:

    I cant help but love them, because Pierce Brosnan was my James Bond era. even though Connery was the best LOL. I am thinking real hard about maybe picking one up. 

    Well, that might have influenced me on the PPK/s. But don't know that I really noticed what was in Pierce's hands. Too busy watching my drool over him! I know of a couple guys working in gun shops who just swear the P99 is the best ever handgun. 

    Just for my wife(LOL), I did buy a PPK in 22. Haven't shot it. Realized how much I had in it and decided to keep MINT so I could sell it someday!

  7. On 6/13/2023 at 9:24 AM, drdirtnap said:

    Thanks.  I would have to be located out of a city... I dislike many people!

    I dislike many people too! Most are *****, but a few are ok. Most of the good ones are here!



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