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gun sane

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Everything posted by gun sane

  1. Training small dogs to pull his sleigh.
  2. Moved to Cosby because, "that's where the action is."  
  3. Keeps people in stitches with his impersonation of President Franklin Pierce.
  4. Avoids TSA security checks and petting zoos for the same reason.
  5. Found out that the woman he met in an internet chat room had a really big bandwidth.
  6. Brags that there's no property tax on his ant farm.
  7. Looks forward to Obamacare because he doesn't like his doctor.
  8. Once served time for carrying too many items into a grocery express lane.
  9. This can happen if you make a steady diet of McDonald's menu.  Eat at Subway.  :squint:   http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/12/26/mcdonald-shuts-down-employee-site-following-postings-that-told-workers-to-avoid/?intcmp=latestnews
  10. I heard about this accident on the radio earlier.  I didn't realize it hit close to home here.  Prayers sent out for Brandon, his family and all affected.
  11. I've always wondered why they don't put a time limit on old bills when new designs are issued.  All a counterfeiter has to do is keep making the old ones.  With multimedia so prevalent today, getting the word out that old bills should be exchanged at banks within six months or so is not difficult, nor is compliance.
  12. A&E is running a DD marathon beginning Christmas afternoon.  Is leftover duck any good?
  13. Merry Christmas to all......and have happy new gear.
  14. May you have one of those Christmas miracles, just like on TV. 
  15.   I think they're working to excuse murder, too.  Remember Benghazi and Fast & Furious?
  16. Should Cracker Barrel shed its southern white trash label and rename itself the "In A Pickle Barrel?"
  17. And speaking of term limits, how about limiting the tenure of congressional leadership?  What if the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority/Minority leaders could only serve one term?  A lot of the crap in Congress is because of their own rules not cited in the Constitution.
  18. They had to beg Washington to take a second term.  After being a general and president, he felt it prudent to go back to Mt. Vernon and watch his crops grow.  He was not a politician, but a remarkable pragmatist who saw the country's greatest need and unselfishly acted to fill it.  Today's self-centered opportunists ignore the need and grab what's best for them.
  19. I had to take the test about four times, slightly amending my answers to some questions.  It finally deduced that I came from southern stock but placed me in the deep South, rather than the Texas/Oklahoma area where I was raised.  But try telling know-it-all yankees that.  :shrug: 
  20. Based on how y'all talk, that is. The yankees who thought this quiz up think they can tell where y'all come from by what y'all call things. Where I come from they call that meddlin'. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/12/20/sunday-review/dialect-quiz-map.html?r=212224504004000j0j8001000140000k0800018080000b0008&_r=0 And if y'all can't guess, I'm a New England Midwesterner.
  21. You may know that Phil Robertson used to be the #1 quarterback at Louisiana Tech when Terry Bradshaw was second banana. Here's Bradshaw's take on Phil as the real deal.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGUBNq9MMTE
  22. For the hard-to-buy-for redneck on your Christmas shopping list:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnqCaN42L64
  23. Welcome to the best little city in Tennessee, authenticroger.....you've earned it!  And welcome to TGO.
  24. We bought an Oreck upright about seven years ago and it's still cleaning up.  We have laminate flooring and an area rug, but the Oreck doesn't miss a beat.


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