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NoBanStan last won the day on February 7

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About NoBanStan

  • Birthday 05/27/1979

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    Middle TN
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  1. Over the top Delta cracked me up. He even did the pillow silencer bit. Also forgot the part where Russell Crowe has morphed into John Goodman from Big Lebowski
  2. "Land of Bad" on Netflix wasn't particularly good, but it was fine enough if you're looking for an action flick.
  3. Let's guess. I say Blue Ridge Parkway
  4. yeah i don't want to give her too much credit. However, it's good to hear her say the AR15 is "one of the most popular semi-automatic weapons in the United States". That's a great admission.
  5. He's looking tough! Give him a high five for me. See now I wanted to shoot that lever action as well!!!
  6. As a kid I had so many toy guns without the orange tip. Though I get why they started....
  7. I didn't buy a P-09 because i have a P-07 Duty (gen 1). I love the p-07 so i can't see why i wouldn't like the P-09, but.... two of practically the same pistol
  8. I get this too. I think it's either a plugin or my router blocking it for security reasons. I think these are in a CDN. Probably why.
  9. Some theories about the shutter speed required to capture a bullet in flight as well. Like, why is professional photographer using a high speed setting for a guy standing still at a podium?
  10. For me, it was the way he could calmly work around stupidity, absorb it and only perhaps use slight sarcasm instead of losing his mind. Masterful comedy.
  11. Forgot to mention that a 12 ft ladder would have been exactly what the Secret Service needed to thwart the assassination attempt.
  12. I would agree on the good ole boy reference. You wind up with an echo chamber of confirmation bias. Diversity is helpful, as long as the talent is qualified.
  13. Thanks. Current at work so i just provided it as is.
  14. wow, just saw this Microsoft laid off a DEI team, and its lead wrote an internal email blasting how DEI is 'no longer business critical' https://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-layoffs-dei-leader-email-2024-7 unfortunately it's behind a paywall.
  15. dude i just spit out my coffee


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