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News Stations reporting latest handgun bills

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forgive me for repeating this, however, I found a thread this morning concerning coverage by local news media on the new gun laws which were being heard yesterday. Someone mentioned our local channel 6 news as stating "bill to allow guns in bars, story at 11" or something to that affect. I have not been able to find that thread again, however, I read the story online from WATE 6 news and this reporter went to a local restaurant and took a poll on handgun carry in restaurants and no one was in favor of it and didn't think it was a good idea. Again, painting guns and gun owners in a negative light. I felt the need to respond so I emailed this reporter and expressed by views, opinions, etc, etc...I also emailed the gm of the station with similar email stating the media bias and requested he do more homework prior to releasing info for the news broadcast. I then felt lead to email Don Dare, urging him to do a piece on the benefits of gun ownership. Told him to look at the percentages around people who own/carry guns versus violent gun crime, etc. I encouraged him to do a piece on handgun carry and gave him the estimated # of carry permit holders in knox county and noted there are people who carry and you will never know. So, I would encourage all to flood the bias media with emails, etc and let them know guns, owning a gun, or carrying a gun is not an evil & bad thing. You know the old saying: "those who forget the past......."

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