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Sights on a gas block vs hand guard

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I have absolutely no idea on the science of sights. With that said, will my accuracy suffer, or is there any con to having flip up sights that specifically mount on the hang guard instead of the gas block? In other words, is it better to have the two metal sights as far as they can get away from each other, or does that not really matter?

Also, should I stick to one manufacture for sights or should I be fine if I have two different sights from different manufacturers (front and rear mounted on hand guard)?

My ultimate goal is to have an Eotech sight on my rifle, but have back up steel sights. I don't want them to co-witness cause I think that would throw me off. Thus the flip up sights.

And while I have you here :rolleyes: , are Eotech sights only for close range, or can I effectively use them as far as my eye sight allows?

Sorry for all the noob questions I'm just over whelmed picking parts for my rifle.

Thanks again for your help guys and gals!

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The farther apart the more accurate they will be. If they are standard AR sights & you run an eotech they will co-witness whether you want them to or not (assuming its a flat top), unless you use a riser block or something. I use my eotech from 3yrds to 200 with no problems the cross mark at the bottom of the circle is perfect for close range the dot for 25yrds & beyond they sell add on magnifiers for eotechs that flip out of the way for close up work I do own one but don't have the flip to the side mount yet. I much prefer an eotech to the aimpoint as the dot is too large for my taste in the aimpoints.

Edited by Schadenfreude
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