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Chucktshoes last won the day on April 14

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About Chucktshoes

  • Birthday 09/07/1978

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    My opinions are not representative of anyone but me.
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    Truck Driver


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    War Poet
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Springfield Hellcat

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Community Answers

  1. I mean, they can try. But their understanding of the constitutional legality of these measures are just as firm as their knowledge of how many counties are in the state of TN.
  2. #### has definitely gotten very weird
  3. I know it’s not the question that you asked, but small revolvers suitable for carry, even in smaller calibers, are generally awful to actually shoot and use. If I may offer a bit of a recommendation outside of your actual ask, maybe have her take a firearms familiarization class from a local range where she gets to try and use several different handguns. The benefit may be twofold in that she may discover more confidence with a semi automatic pistol, but also may help discover what will actually work for her.
  4. Thats not a bad theory either.
  5. This is the direction I’ve come to lean. More and more it is appearing that he was a run of the mill wacko who was looking to go out with a real bang. “school shootings are passé. Now assassinations, those are exciting!”
  6. Eh, it’s using really round numbers with the total number of ARs in circulation divided into the total population. Considering how many folks own multiple ARs, it’s probably much a lower ownership rate.
  7. Paste that link in the box here: 12 ft ladder
  8. Diversity Equity Inclusion these programs are based on the idea that a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace will result in better outcomes for businesses and policy. In theory it’s a very innocuous sounding and positive idea. In reality, they are built on social Marxism and anti-white racism. it’s basically affirmative action on steroids and grifters like Ibram X Kendi and Robin D’Angelo make bank on their corporate and governmental agency workshops, pushing the BS. It’s also the reason universities have gone completely insane and companies like Disney can’t put out a quality product to save their life.
  9. Somebody else mentioned, and I didn’t think about it at first, but these guys were best friends for decades. He threw him under the bus quick to save his own ass. Effin weak. I wish all of you to have better friends in your life than Jack Black.
  10. The truth is it doesn’t matter which way it was intended. The result is the same.
  11. “As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown bottle in my shaving kit. You won’t need much, just a tiny taste.”
  12. No show to miss. That was an obvious troll post with no purpose other than to stir up ####. It was actually the second time the same post was made. I hid it the first time without sanction. My mistake apparently. The repost earned a week’s vacation. I actually quite like him which is why it was 7 days instead of the standard of 45 for trolling. I don’t normally discuss sanctions administered against folks publicly, but everyone really put in the effort to turn down the heat and actually talk to each other today for once instead of yelling at each other. I’m not letting that get derailed by a bit of crappy trolling that doesn’t actually relate to the subject at hand.
  13. Ask him again in a week when he can post again.
  14. I’ve only done it twice. I don’t know how to really describe it other than I just felt icky at the casino.


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