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Gurn last won the day on February 12

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    Nashville TN
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  1. Picked it up Friday afternoon from Bellshire hardware and guns. I highly recommend them for transfers. With a coupon Blackstone sent for signing up for email specials it was less than $348 shipped. Haven’t taken it to the range yet but I sure do like the stock color.
  2. I think I found what I wanted
  3. Tell you what I would really like is one in 45acp for Glock mags.
  4. Been looking at these and like the idea of a PCC rifle. Especially a folder . Would make a great bug out bag choice to go along with a Glock 9mm. I like how the third gen. folds and twists to allow a red dot directly mounted. I have read good and bad reviews but most people like them. The S&W is another option but quite a bit more expensive and only uses Smith mags. If I do decide on a Sub2K then I have to decide on what color, .
  5. Stopped in there yesterday. Glad to see a preowned case. Only 4 pistols in it so far but it’s a beginning. That’s what I didn’t like about the old store, never seemed to have any used guns. I wonder if they plan on putting all the knives on clearance?
  6. Interesting but for the price I would stick with S&W’s
  7. Apparently Taurus is doing their rebate differently from the last time I bought something. The actual rebate was like last time, fill in the information online including pictures of box label and receipt . Just be sure to check the email you get back from them. It now has a link to their website to order the magazines ( 3 free ) and a coupon code which includes free shipping. I know some folks don’t take time to open emails like this and just read the subject saying it’s been approved. If I hadn’t opened it I guess I wouldn’t be getting the magazines. Lol
  8. Outpost always seems to have a larger selection of used guns compared to other places. They also do consignments. I don’t know what the particulars are but I guess you could just about ask what you want.
  9. Of all the 22 pistols I’ve had my TX22’s are the most fun. Eyeballing the new TORO now. Addictive.
  10. Let’s update this. I use Bellshire Hardware and Guns . Still $20 + Tics
  11. Deco Art Extreme Sheen Gold paint. Got it at Hobby Lobby
  12. I’ve bought the last several batteries I’ve needed for different vehicles and my tractor at Pull- a- Part. They have them up front and I usually find one with a date sticker on less than a year old.
  13. These are really nice guns. I like mine better than AK’s
  14. https://palmettostatearmory.com/rock-island-vrpf14-12-gauge-14-1-pump-action-black-vrpf14.html Any one of you have one? Thoughts?


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