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Trust your GPS?

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Guest blackbeltchick

I like my GPS, it's helped me out alot. It has also messed up quite a few times as well, so it does help to have the old timers map handy!

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When I was still in Flo9rida the local demo crews would come out and paint a big red X on the house to be demoed. Before they wrecked it they required the owner or rep to meet them at the site and sign off they had the correct house.

Kind of like a surgeon having you put an X on the correct side of your body prior to an operation.

Screw ups get expensive fast!

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Guest db99wj

GPS's are great, I use mine mainly for work. I will go out and have to hit anywhere from 3 to 10 property sites for pictures and being able to plug in the address and get in and out of there quickly is great, especially those that are in the not so great parts of town. Before I do that though, I always put them on a map, make the quickest routes so I know which one to hit first, second, third....and so on. I also figure that the GPS maps are about a year to two years behind so anything newer than that, I make sure. We were taking my oldes to camp this weekend and it could not find the address, so I got it to find the road and all and I got there. You can't put 100% into them, but they can get you close.

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I bought one for getting me from place to place with my last job. I love it but it's not 100%.

I was going to my cousins house who lives off of Almaville Rd. As I was going out Almaville it told me to turn right so I figured that it may be a shortcut that I was not aware of so I turned. It wound up bringing me back to Almaville Rd about 2 miles down the road. ???? I don't know why it would have done that but I don't completely trust it. It would have taken me to the destination eventually but wasted some gas and time. :D

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Guest boudreaux

I use my gps to get me all over the country and at times Canada. A brand new unit will have a mapping program that's about 2 years old right out of the box. So sometimes an atlas comes in handy.

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