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Haircuts anyone?

Guest mustangdave

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Well, crap! Dave posted this for me, and I found out this morning that it's fake. A Canadian friend of mine with a friend in the Canadian Special Forces informed me that:

"Good day Steve...I got your email...My cuz thats a sniper in the SForces sent me that one a year ago he also told me it was a fake...He told me the tape was made in the mid western States useing a magnum 30 cal and killing animals I think he called them Marmots or something like that you would prob know that better than me about that...If you look closely you can see the little animals running around the cliffs thats why they stop the pick before the guy shoots in the 3rd or 4th pic."

Well, I guess you can tell my eyesight is slipping, because I couldn't see anything running around the rocks. Of course, I guess one sees what they were expecting to see too.

Sorry guys.

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Guest TurboniumOxide

Lets see, what percentage of male virgins blow themselves up vs female? Don't like them odds at all especially considering you are trying to guess what's behind burqa number 3.

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Guest mustangdave
Interesting point of the "Receiving 70 Virgins" thing: nowhere does it say that they will be female virgins.

I had heard a rumor that God has a sense of humor...those virgins that allah promised...70yr old Catholic NUNS:tough:

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Lets see, what percentage of male virgins blow themselves up vs female? Don't like them odds at all especially considering you are trying to guess what's behind burqa number 3.

I think the burqa thing was thought-up by some sheik who had a bunch of ugly daughters that he couldn't get rid of.

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