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Bad review on TGO

Guest Gun Geek

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Guest Gun Geek

I think this is total B.S. but it got posted, the good reviews and the bad will get posted but I thought perhaps some of us could go by and defend TGO. Of course this is if you want to. To read and reply to the "review" go to

Tennessee Gun Owners « Non Specific Forums « Gun Forums « Firearm Sites- Let Freedom Ring

The guy is trying to make the forum look bad. I think David has been more than fair with the rules. Some people just get upset when they break the rules and get a slap so they continue breaking the rules and get banned. Feel free to comment away.

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I haven't been here long enough to know much about what happened. I can say this....For anybody to start up and run an open forum with any success with so many controversial subjects takes alot of doing. Rules are rules and David must cover his A-- along with yours and mine.

I had no place like TGO to go anywhere in New England. Touchy political subjects that nobody wants to deal with. No gun forums and sucky at best hunting forums. You guys have it all in TGO.

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someone there is an imposter. I had not posted on that site until just a moment ago. I certainly did not go there and cut this forum or David down.

I am "the real mike.357" and gave this place ten stars and a favorable review.

Never had a stalker before. I wonder if that guy has a pictures of me all over his wall or something. What a wackjob.

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Guest 70below
someone there is an imposter. I had not posted on that site until just a moment ago. I certainly did not go there and cut this forum or David down.

I am "the real mike.357" and gave this place ten stars and a favorable review.

Never had a stalker before. I wonder if that guy has a pictures of me all over his wall or something. What a wackjob.

My Precious........ :):love:

uh....no....... I feel sorry for the poor bastard that's stalking you

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someone there is an imposter. I had not posted on that site until just a moment ago. I certainly did not go there and cut this forum or David down.

I am "the real mike.357" and gave this place ten stars and a favorable review.

Never had a stalker before. I wonder if that guy has a pictures of me all over his wall or something. What a wackjob.

Yeah, it was weird enough when it was just here, but now it's spreading? Better watch your six man!

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Guest Gun Geek

Just want to add something David has nothing to do with this post. Or the comments. I did this on my own and David had nothing to do with it. FirearmSites.com is MY Site there are a few comments that are pending on the site that I feel are posted by someone posing as a user on this forum and they will not get approved. If you actually left a comment and it didnt get posted PM me here and I will approve it.

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For those who are curious, the member in question is the same guy that we've kicked off of TGO a few dozen times in the past week. Spud's friend, Slim. Or perhaps Spuds himself.

We'll find out soon enough. At the suggestion of another member here, I have begun the process of initiating a "John Doe" lawsuit against this guy so that Bellsouth will have to release his identity to me, after which time my attorney will issue a Cease & Desist order. If he fails to comply, I'll see him in court.

It's more money and effort than I really want to waste on something like this, but it will set the precedent that you can't just "hide" behind the anonymity of the Internet and try to make someone else (or a group of someone else's as is the case with TGO) miserable. This guy is about to get a harsh lesson in the reality of life.

And for what it's worth, I'm not posting this publicly to warn him off or scare him if he's reading. It's too late for that. I'll push forward with this on the merit of what he's already done, no matter if he stops now or not. At this point I just want this jackass to suffer the consequences of his actions.

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