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Drive By Shooting


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So long story,

This past summer my wife's boss was murdered. She was the owner of a cabin rental place in Pigeon Forge. Nobody has ever been charged. After this happened they started getting phone calls at the office saying that they had better keep their mouths shut because he is watching them. And now, last Friday, Someone drove by and shot the place up. Luckily no one was hit but CSI dug about 16 rounds out of desks and walls.

Well 2 things i am feeling about this.

1. They have threatened my wife. Whether directly or not is irrelevant.

2. They have attemted to murder my wife. Again while not directly aimed at her. I don't really care.

While there are some things i would like to say here in hopes that they might read it and i'm sure there sociopathic personality couldn't resist hunting me down to show me how they are not a pathetic ...well you know where thats going. I am going to refrain, frankly because i'm not a lawyer and i dont know the legal ramifications of such words. All i can say is it takes a real man to beat up and murder a woman. A remarkable inteligence to make threatening phone calls. And real courage to do a drive by on an office full of women. I would love to meet you so i could simply explain my feelings on these events and hopefully we could talk it out and come to a reasonable agreement to disagree.

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Hitower, that's terrible. I have no idea what one could do in that situation short of finding a new job. I really hope this lunatic doesn't know names and such. I'd be on my guard, though I trust that you are.

My thoughts are with you and your wife, and I hope this gets resolved QUICK.

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Teach her to keep her head on a swivel. I'd find some unobtrusive body armor that both of you can wear whether or not she keeps the job. I agree with crimsonaudio, though. I hope you are able to sit down with the gentleman and have a thorough discussion of the grievance in question.

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I wish she could just quit, unfortunately jobs are hard to come by these days. I am positive nothing would happen in the daylight hours and luckily she only works past dark a couple days a week. The days she does have to work past dark I'm sitting in the parking lot for now. They are talking about hiring a security guard but it will be an unarmed one I'm sure unless they can get an off duty cop. I took her out with a .38 the other day and she liked it pretty well, just gotta get her through a class now. However her boss that was killed was a HCP holder and from what I know she never left home without it. But anyway, from now on till this guy is caught I'm watching her back.

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I doubt seriously that the dog butt who shot the place up would darken the door to TGO.

I hope he/she/they are caught and caught soon before they meet up with an unfortunate accident.

I want true justice for you,yours and the locals that live there.

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