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That's the kind of clips I got with my CTAC, not 100% happy(about 98% happy) with one of my clips, it doesn't snap all the way down and will come off some times. My Don Hume belt all but stopped it, but I do have to be careful.

I am going to buy the other type soon and see how they work

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The CTAC has been fine with me. I've only worn it around the house and around my property. I've yet to have a problem with it coming up with a draw though. I have been thinking about ordering some j-clips for it.

The Fobus IWB one is actually pretty comfortable. It's only 3mm wider than the gun is. It looks big though, it's molded on a curve in back so it rests against you waist very comfortably.


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I'm trying to remember, I believe since I bought the Don Hume belt, I have not had that problem.

My CTAC is very comfortable, more comfortable with my XD in it opposed to not in it.

I've been told, Nothing better than a good belt.

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You do need some room, my pants fit loose, but fit ok with a belt. With the CTAC on, I have to suck it in to get the pants to button. That does make it not move at all while on. I'm about 10 pounds heavier than I should be, I will lose that and it will fit fine.

If you wear your pants fairly tight, good luck.

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Guest GlocKingTN
You do need some room, my pants fit loose, but fit ok with a belt. With the CTAC on, I have to suck it in to get the pants to button. That does make it not move at all while on. I'm about 10 pounds heavier than I should be, I will lose that and it will fit fine.

If you wear your pants fairly tight, good luck.

Then Im screwed for IWB holsters. IM too large!

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That's the kind of clips I got with my CTAC, not 100% happy(about 98% happy) with one of my clips, it doesn't snap all the way down and will come off some times. My Don Hume belt all but stopped it, but I do have to be careful.

My CTAC clips do the same thing sometimes. I'm wearing a gun belt but the clips are just a little too small. I just work with it. The clips seem to do better when I spend a little more time getting the holster situated correctly.

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  • 8 months later...

I hate to bring up an old thread but I just found this one.. I have a kydex guy he does holsters for Steyr and M&P..


I have talked to him and he has made every crazy idea I come up with:D

Custom speed settable cant


A better version of a familiar rig..


single and double mag holder..



My point is Kydex is cheap and easy to work with. If you can't find the right thing for you make it yourself..


Good luck...

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