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Obamacare and the Death of Detroit

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No offense meant.

None taken.

So, my crowning achievement has become a dead albatross around my neck.

I can empathize, my wife entered Nursing School right after she learned of her diagnosis of Polycystic Kidney disease, (at the age of 45) finished while undergoing dialysis. You and she both have my respect for stick-to-itness, wish I had more of that kind of spine.

I am an expert on Insurance companies, I spend 20+ hours a week dealing with them. I also understand the Federal Government, it is a behemoth that is designed to eat it's adversaries, and it has no compassion at all, we are simply like the eggs in The Matrix, when we can no longer provide juice to the monster, we are useless to them. Any perception otherwise is a foolish dream.

Our only hope, and I hesitate to use that word these days, it has been sullied by the Progressives, much like "Gay" has been killed, but I digress. The hope we have is to vote the Progressives out, we will see if we have the stamina and good sense to do so, otherwise we are lost.

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Ok. You may not like lawyers. In most cases, lawyers are no where near this fellow. Most have had to earn their way through, or go into severe debt, to become lawyers... (median income for TN lawyers, last I checked was in the 70k range, no where near millionaire status...)

Do not dismiss the lawyers, for they may be your sole line of defense against this law...

Effectively, the present health care coverage situation is awful.

You will fall into 3 categories.

1) You are upper middle class or higher, have $, and health insurance. So when you do have a severe ailment, you can afford what the insurance does not cover, even if they drop you for the mere audacity of getting sick in the first place...

2) You are middle or lower class and have insurance, but cannot afford to cover a severe ailment, placing you into bankruptcy, and forcing others with health insurance to pay higher premiums.

3) you cannot or chose not to have health insurance, and you have a severe ailment, forcing bankruptcy, and forcing everyone with health insurance to pay higher premiums.

The Dems saw this, and did not wait on the market to adjust. Considering the number of deaths and additional costs, it is true action is needed...

However, was this the right move?

There are several claims. But, all I can know for fact are these:

1) Pre-existing conditions get covered, but we do not know at what cost level...

2) Children get coverage, until they are 26, but again, at what price?

3) You cannot be dropped for being "foolish" enough to think an insurance company should pay when you actually get sick. But, again, at what price?

4) Insurance Companies get 30+ million new customers... a Boon for them.

5) Those new customers costs may not be covered by the premiums they pay, increasing the premiums of those presently with coverage... Or is this an excuse to charge more across the board?

6) No limits on health insurance profits

7) Mandatory heath insurance for all citizens...

Unconfirmed claim, the mandatory insurance, across the board, will lower health care costs by huge estimates (30%+ range.) The savings are supposed to be due to far less paperwork... Yet, the law does not mandate less paperwork. It does not create uniform paperwork... So, will these savings actually occur?

It is still unclear as to what else the law does...

I do not see any clause in the Constitution, and its Bill of Rights, stating the government can force the purchase of a product...

I do see the argument this is similar to mandatory car insurance... Except, driving is a privilege, not a right, granted by the States. The only rights any of us have are listed in the Bill of Rights... and they are always in question...

Yet, the Commerce Clause and the "health and welfare" of the citizens will be the route taken to enforce this law... Though again, I do not see forcing the purchase of a product is within the scope...

Ironically, the high collar politically motivated lawyers may be the only ones between us and this law.

Were there not protests and demands for State Attorney Generals, all "uppity" lawyers, to file lawsuits against this law?

Were there not calls to state level politicians write state level laws to block certain parts of the federal law?

Do not forget, were it not for lawyers, this nation of ours might be even more of a police state. Remember this when a police officer wants to search your car, merely due to the fact you were going 3 miles over the posted speed limit...

Where to start with this one, there is so much wrong here, i don't know where to begin. Personally from the lack of support of this monstrousity of a Healthcare Bill, I think most American's like there Healthcare. What's coming our way, you better try darn hard to stay healthy and not get sick, because some bureacrat is going to decide if you'll get proper treatment or a death sentence. Personally I find your view of todays health care jaded, full of misinformation and personal venom.

Edited by Hgunner
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Makes me not like the overly fortunate ones, who do not understand the average citizen... or the concept of hardship.

I find this so disturbing, I don't think you understand the average citizen.

I guess it would never occur to you that most of those more fortunate than you worked their tails off to get where the are. Most of us have worked hard, raised families, endured our on personal hells, and hardships. Not everyone who is fortunate was born with a Silver spoon up his butt and a daddy that ****s money. I'm just f'in disgusted, this is a perfect example of the lefts, it ain't fair, he won lifes lottery attitude of class envy and division.

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Let's quit pulling punches here, they are Marxist period.

Just trying to keep up with the nomenclature. I try to use the current term they call themselves, so that I don't miss their actions. It is a favorite tactic of the Marxist. I just want to use the proper terminology, so that my arguments are not swept aside carte blanch. A full understanding of the technical jargon is necessary to stay in the fray.

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Guest HvyMtl

Hgunner - the comment you quoted was in reference to Worryman's list of attorneys who have had it made, without busting their guts, and have little to no concept of what the average American has to do, deal with, and live with, and yet are setting policy and law directly impacting the average American. Their lack of understanding the needs of the people is a direct issue, and has contributed to a law that is at the least confusing, if not severely detrimental.

So, anyone have ideas on how to fix this, besides vote the buzzards out? Court proceedings will definitely slow the law, and hopefully (small small chance) blocks the UnConstitutional act of mandating purchase for all citizens. Thankfully, due to these proceedings, there may be time to correct the law.

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HvyMtl, I may owe you an appology and if so please accept it as I may have misinterpreted your post. After discussing with a friend of mine I may have jumped the gun. But Im having some trouble figuring just where you stand on this issue, a very late night and poor reading comprehension. This bill is so bad that its beyound comprehension how anyone could support it. From just its mandate to force people to buy a product, to giving the Fed gov direct access to you bank accounts.

To me this bill has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare, and everything to do with control. So which side of the fence are you on, pro-con or just straddeling.

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Guest HvyMtl

Ok, please let me clarify:

I think any law mandating the purchase of any thing by the citizens is UnConstitutional.

That said, I think the Courts will still allow it under the Commerce Clause, and the concept of the "health and welfare" of the US Citizen.

So, I have asked how do we fix it, as the "vote the bums out" viewpoint, realistically, wont happen.

So, does anyone have any good ideas on how to correct this error of law?

In addition, this law does a LOT of other things, and I am wondering about the specifics... My thought," What else did they put in this? Will it bite us? Where are the so called benefits?"

The only benefits I see from the bill is enabling those with pre-existing conditions to get coverage. (Though we do not know the COSTS of such insurance...) And blocking the insurance company from dropping you if you get sick. (again at what cost???)

Supposedly, the law mandates, through $250 million funding, teaching our kids in public schools, abstinence is the only way to prevent STDs. And I am fine with that.


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Well I know one thing it did and for that very reason should be repealed.

It exempted our illustrious Congress critters from having to participate in it,

and certain Unions got special treratment. If its so good for everybody why doesn't everybody have to participate in it equally, especially since they are for equallity. Stop rant.

Thanks for clarifying, again hope you except my heart felt apology for any misunderstanding.

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Guest HvyMtl

Hgunner, no apology necessary. I find it hard to be clear when typing in a forum. So many things make sense when I type them, then look, well, way off, after reading them a few days later. I will try harder to be clear.

Yes, the exception is NOT acceptable.

My thoughts, and I think you will agree: You want to make health care insurance mandatory Congress? Give us THE SAME PLAN you have...

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...I find it hard to be clear when typing in a forum. So many things make sense when I type them, then look, well, way off, after reading them a few days later...

I think this happens to all of us. My mind is moving much faster than my hands will ever type.

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