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Mark A

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Just picked up a new to me glock 33 in excellent condition. Not a big glock fan but I love the subcompacts. The 26 was lonely and I'm a big fan of 357 sig so...

I'm thinking I will be able to go to the range tonight. I should be able to get some pics up tonight.


Edited by Mark A
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My G33 is my Every Day Carry (EDC)

I do like the 357 Sig round although I've standardized my Glocks to 9mm.

The Lone Wolf conversion barrel and 9mm Glock mags in the G33 works great. So don't limit the use of the G33 to just the 357 Sig round and save some big $$$ on your range ammo.

You can always carry the G33 with the stock barrel for self defense if you want to. Swap in the LW barrel & 9mm mags for practice.

Just food for thought bro!


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My G33 is my Every Day Carry (EDC)

I do like the 357 Sig round although I've standardized my Glocks to 9mm.

The Lone Wolf conversion barrel and 9mm Glock mags in the G33 works great. So don't limit the use of the G33 to just the 357 Sig round and save some big $$$ on your range ammo.

You can always carry the G33 with the stock barrel for self defense if you want to. Swap in the LW barrel & 9mm mags for practice.

Just food for thought bro!


Good advice...but then I wouldn't need the 26. Decisions, decisions...

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The goodness continues... I've wanted a 357 sig barrel for my 226 for a while but they have been out of stock. Today I got the e-mail saying they were in so I ordered one before they sold out again.

You guys better stay away from me. I'm sure I getting ready to get hit by lightning or something


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Well, I finally had a chance to shoot this thing. I absolutely love it. When I decided to get a sub-compact glock this is what I wanted but I had several friends tell me to get the 26 instead. I really like the 26 but this is my favorite chambering. It shoots really well, didn't kick nearly as bad as I was afraid it would and it was very accurate. I just wish I liked the compact and full size Glock's as well.

Eventually I will have a chance to try a gen 4 version to see if the grip is any different...


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Guest The Highlander

I like the G29 even better than the G30. I have no idea why, just do. Probably because I really like the 10mm. Both are surprisingly accurate, and even the 10mm isn't that bad to shoot at all in these "little" guns.

I'd love to have a G33...have to add that to my wish list.

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