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WATCH THIS VIDEO....lets discuss this

Guest rebeldrummer

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Guest nicemac
It was certainly a setup. I honestly think where that happened would make a difference.

Some places and Tennessee being one of them I would bet that several of the guys would rush the shooter. Dunno about students but if it happened in a place with fathers and grandfathers then and or men with their wives I don't think everyone would be helter skelter heading away. And I mean this in any random sampling of people assembled in Tennessee. At least half the men in Tennessee are going to run towards gun fire. It's in our nature.

Remember that shooting at the school board meeting in Florida a few months ago (a gun-free zone, btw)? As poorly as she did, a woman went after the bad guy with her purse. On flight 93, people rushed the bad guys at the front of the plane.

Sure, some sheep will cower, but some people will fight back. Having a gun opposing the bad guys will save lives in the long run.

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Guest db99wj
It was certainly a setup. I honestly think where that happened would make a difference.

Some places and Tennessee being one of them I would bet that several of the guys would rush the shooter. Dunno about students but if it happened in a place with fathers and grandfathers then and or men with their wives I don't think everyone would be helter skelter heading away. And I mean this in any random sampling of people assembled in Tennessee. At least half the men in Tennessee are going to run towards gun fire. It's in our nature.

To say the CCW stand in did no good as they said, I mean the girl made the bg use 10 bullets on her. As pointed out from others that was 10 shots on an unarmed person he didn't get. Possibly saving 10 lives. Plus the bg probably had tunnel vision as well and could have been rushed and while that seems crazy to rush him some guys certainly would.

Then they have a 2nd shooter as well. Pretty much a setup to make sure the ccw doesn't succeed.

It's the Kobayashi Maru of ccw setups. Would have been interesting if the ccw had head shot the bg in 1 second to see how they would have spun that into a failure.

If she would have got him in the head, first shot, or even center mass, the story would have never made it to air.

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It was certainly a setup. I honestly think where that happened would make a difference.

Some places and Tennessee being one of them I would bet that several of the guys would rush the shooter. Dunno about students but if it happened in a place with fathers and grandfathers then and or men with their wives I don't think everyone would be helter skelter heading away. And I mean this in any random sampling of people assembled in Tennessee. At least half the men in Tennessee are going to run towards gun fire. It's in our nature.

To say the CCW stand in did no good as they said, I mean the girl made the bg use 10 bullets on her. As pointed out from others that was 10 shots on an unarmed person he didn't get. Possibly saving 10 lives. Plus the bg probably had tunnel vision as well and could have been rushed and while that seems crazy to rush him some guys certainly would.

Then they have a 2nd shooter as well. Pretty much a setup to make sure the ccw doesn't succeed.

It's the Kobayashi Maru of ccw setups. Would have been interesting if the ccw had head shot the bg in 1 second to see how they would have spun that into a failure.

Yep. She didn't even take cover AFTER she was shot. They're just pushing one of the typical Anti positions. You can't possibly defend yourself with a gun, because you're not the police. It takes years of training.

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Ah, Kobayashi Maru, One solution, We have to cheat to win.

When faced with a no win situation there is only one answer, CHEAT.

As the last move was in an Alt time line, and that was a different version of Kirk I dint' believe that is how the original Kirk beat the Kobayashi Maru, BTW. Enough letting my inter trekkie out.


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Guest mikedwood
Ah, Kobayashi Maru, One solution, We have to cheat to win.

When faced with a no win situation there is only one answer, CHEAT.

As the last move was in an Alt time line, and that was a different version of Kirk I dint' believe that is how the original Kirk beat the Kobayashi Maru, BTW. Enough letting my inter trekkie out.


"If you are in a fair fight your tactics suck!" I wonder if that's where the saying came from?

Who doesn't have an inner Trekkie?

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Guest 6.8 AR

How about putting a realistic scenario together and try that video joke again? ABC or

whoever it was meant that to be another piece of their propaganda series. That scenario

might as well been a part of a "B" movie.

If they were serious, and not politically correct, they might have had one set up at a

"Colombine" setting where there might have been a CCP person and what his chances

could be at that attack. Or maybe Virginia Tech.

Dumb video!

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Guest mosinon

I'm with 6.8 on this one not a realistic scenario at all. First off, how many mass shootings can you remember off the top of your head? 20? 30? That isn't how most uses of concealed carry will go down.

Yeah, a lot of people will argue that if people were concealed carrying the mass shootings would have been stopped and they might have a point (I'd need to see some actual stats to figure that out) but the vast majority of the time that isn't when a weapon is going to save your life or save you from grievous bodily injury.

It is a bit like doing study about airbags. You get your baby crash test dummy and tape it over the passenger airbag and crash the car. Good lord that baby would be dead! Airbags don't save lives!

Well, I guess they already ran that story....

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Guest mikedwood

It is a bit like doing study about airbags. You get your baby crash test dummy and tape it over the passenger airbag and crash the car. Good lord that baby would be dead! Airbags don't save lives!

Well, I guess they already ran that story....

Yeah they did that story a decade or two ago.

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