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President Obama Signs EXECUTIVE Order For Disclosure

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President Obama Signs EXECUTIVE Order For Disclosure of Politcal Spending by Government Contractors- Take That Citizens United!

Posted on April 21, 2011 by Ametia


From Politicususa

With A Stroke Of His Pen Obama Strikes Back At Citizens United

April 21, 2011 By Rmuse


On Wednesday it was reported that President Obama was drafting an executive order that would require companies pursuing federal contracts to disclose political contributions that have been secret under the Citizen’s United ruling. A senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, Hans A. von Spakovsky, lambasted the proposed executive order saying that, “The draft order tries to interfere with the First Amendment rights of contractors.†Mr. von Spakovsky dutifully made all the right-wing, neo-con arguments including bringing Planned Parenthood and unions into the discussion. The draft order did not exempt any entity from disclosure rules and presents a reasonable requirement on contractors seeking government contracts. Several states have similar “pay to play†laws to prevent businesses from using unlimited donations to buy lucrative state contracts from slimy legislators. Thus far the only legislator who has railed against the proposed order was Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). McConnell called the proposal an “outrageous and anti-Democratic abuse of executive branch authority,†and went on to say, “Just last year, the Senate rejected a cynical effort to muzzle critics of this administration and its allies in Congress.â€


This means that all companies that sign contracts with the federal government will have to report on the personal political activities of their officers and directore. This would include ALL contributions, expenditures ot or on behalf of federal candidates, parties or party made by the bidding entity.

President Obama Signs EXECUTIVE Order For Disclosure of Politcal Spending by Government Contractors- Take That Citizens United! | 3CHICSPOLITICO

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I'd say the pen won't be mightier than the sword this time.

I wonder when he will disclose all of his political campaign donors, like

Mickey Mouse, M. Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, etc.

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