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Wish it was mine.

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My neice gave my brother(her dad), this old Colt Police Positive 38. She or he didn't do it but some dufus many moons ago took what was obviously a wire brush to the frame around the Colt decal, it has some serious scratches. There are some in this world that deserve a good b-slap. I gave it a good cleaning, mechanically it's in great shape, the barrel has some pitting but I wouldn't hesitate to shoot it. It doesn't chamber .38 special but it shoots the 38 Colt or 38 S&W Long so it's a pretty old piece. With the damage done to the finish I don't think it would bring much value but it will be a fun but expensive plinker. Can't wait to shoot it.

Sorry for the poor quality photo.


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This is why we need the "restoration/rescue sticky" like we were talking about in DMark's thread about his restored 03-A3!!!

Being as this poor soul has already been boo-foo'ed, it is a good candidate for a restoration. Well worth the price of a re-blue. The grips look in good shape. IMHO, it would be well worth the price of a re-blue and maybe some replacement springs if/where needed.

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This is why we need the "restoration/rescue sticky" like we were talking about in DMark's thread about his restored 03-A3!!!

Being as this poor soul has already been boo-foo'ed, it is a good candidate for a restoration. Well worth the price of a re-blue. The grips look in good shape. IMHO, it would be well worth the price of a re-blue and maybe some replacement springs if/where needed.

My brother had mentioned that, since it's already damaged I guess it wouldn't be a sin. The grips are in excellant shape, I guess they are the old bakelight plastic, some pretty tough stuff. The springs seem okay, I didn't dare take the sideplate off to look at the trigger spring. Nothing is loose, the cylinder locks up tight when the trigger is pulled, tighter than most new revolvers. I don't know if my brother would spend the money to re-blue it, maybe some day I could make him a trade.:puke:

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