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Nashville IDPA

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Hey Guys,

I see a post similar to this posted above but I figured I'd ask the same question in relation to Nashville.

My Dad and I both have gotten into firearms together, we moved here from California where neither of us shot at all, I bought my first gun for home protection about six months ago and it's been a slippery slope of money spending ever since. This morning on our way back from Charlie Hafner's we were discussing how we can go, load our mags, shoot them empty (rinse and repeat) till we're blue in the face, but eventually it's going to get boring. We'd like to do some sort of Run & Gun or "course shooting" to spice it up, and so that we can get involved in the community aspect of it. This afternoon I've been doing some researching and I think I'd like to start looking into IDPA. My question is this: Is there someone in Nashville that might wanna get together and grab some coffee and talk over what all is involved in shooting IDPA, and maybe direct me to the nearest club etc etc... I think I'm going to go the MCTS match out near Dickson this coming Saturday, but if you have any recommendations for some more information I can get I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks guys!


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You are on the right path, the next available match in the middile TN area is this Sat @ Music City. Come on out and get started we run a pretty friendly club the only thing we take serious is safety. Setup starts about 7:00, new shooter safety brief about 8:30 and shooters meeting at 9:00. My contact info is is listed on the club website give me a call if you have any questions.

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Joining IDPA is definetlyworth it. They send you a bunch of info and a very well done video that has not only IDPA information, but basic tactical and competition lessons in it. (How to draw, shoot from cover, etc) Easily worth the 40 bucks.

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Don't worry about the procedurals or hits(complete misses in John's case) on the targets initially. Be safe and have fun with an open mind. The experienced shooters will help guide you on the reads of the CoF. It is a game and should be treated as such.

Remember the most important rule of the range: BE SAFE! Then have fun!

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Don't worry about the procedurals or hits(complete misses in John's case) on the targets initially. Be safe and have fun with an open mind. The experienced shooters will help guide you on the reads of the CoF. It is a game and should be treated as such.

Remember the most important rule of the range: BE SAFE! Then have fun!

I was only 144 points down my first match. I have improved a little since then.:rolleyes:

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I was only 144 points down my first match. I have improved a little since then.:rolleyes:

Normally, he is 130 points down for a 5 stage match.

It is easy to be less points down taking 30 seconds to run a 12 second stage. Accuracy is important. Speed will come later.

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Hey guys, thank you SO much for how welcoming and patient you were today. Both my Dad and I had a complete blast. We'll definitely be seeing you in a couple weeks. Dad and I went from the range (lunch) then to the gun shop to look at a Glock for him. We're both really excited, and we'll be practicing in the meantime. (I'll watch my trigger finger ;-) )


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I remember back in the day when I 1st shoot IPSC that a new shooter was allowed to start at low ready after he took his gun from the case and loaded it. I have no idea how it would work for IDPA but it's a thought.

Always an option, but we were able to get them geared up to give it a try.

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