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Lee Turret Press Question

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I have a Lee Turret press that I am having small issue with. The shaft that auto indexes for the 4 die setup rides in a plastic piece that attaches to the main shaft. This is different than the three die setup which uses a metal piece. Plastic being plastic it has a ton of slop and will not tighten wthout stripping the threads. I also think the little piece that the shaft rides on is also worn. Do they make this piece in metal for the 4 gang or anybody else have this problem and a fix for it. The amount of play keeps the auto index from indexing to the next station by about 1/4".

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Guest kilo33

I had the same problem. You could try adjusting the indexing, if that doesn't work the plastic square pieces are .50 on their site. Good luck.

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When you buy one of those square nut things, buy a couple. Seems like I go through a bunch of them.

I had an issue where the turret would not advance between pulls. I ended up replacing the sleeve and it started working again. I could not for the life of me see where the sleeve was messed up, but replacing it definitely fixed it.

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It seems that I heard or read that the square rachet is plastic because the housing is plastic also. If it were rigid metal, it would strip the housing. If you bring it up halfway (past the spiral) you can turn the turret with no problem and will not damage the rachet.

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