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NASCAR in Richmond

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Guest dotsun

Yeah, I was wondering when this stuff would get there. I'm sure Kenseth will have plenty of time to wreck before the rain arrives. :up:

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Well Dave you just got you wish with Kenseth, I am tuning it out. I about can't stand listening to Waltrips dribble anymore. some races his poor announcing does not get to me, but I can't take it tonight.

time to change channels

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That was quite a pile-up. :up:

As for DW announcing, I missed the start of this race, which doesn't bother me a bit-, every time I hear DW yell "BOOGEDY BOOGEDY BOOGEDY" I want to hurt someone.

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Guest dotsun

His comments about the in track camera really drive me up the wall. Every week it's the same stupid joke 'better get yer head down digger!'. :up: And yeah Matt is having yet another spectacular race. :(

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I about can't stand listening to Waltrips dribble anymore.

+ 1

Who else grows tired of ............. "Mikey's doing this"..."Mikey's doing that"...."Look at Mikey"......."Come on, Mikey !"....."Here comes Mikey"...etc. etc. ad nauseum ?

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Well, another interesting ending. Everyone seems to be making nice this morning.

Yeah, DW's boogedy thing makes me want to drag my fingernails down a chalk board. And Mikey hasn't done much for years. Digger needs to be buried and if I hear that they are Claratin clear to race one more time....

But then I remember that there is a race and ignore the silly distractions.

So, turn up the volume and let's rev it up one more time! :P

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But then I remember that there is a race and ignore the silly distractions.

if MRN could synch up with Fox I would watch on fox and listen to MRN.

MRN does a great job, and there are not all those in race commercial BS distractions.

I can't even watch the green flag, if I hear big mouth with his boogetty BS I am pretty much done with it. How many years has it gone on? It is tired and worn out and they need to come up with something else. I miss the old days of races on ESPN.

More coverage does not equate to better coverage.

Waltrip could not clean Benny Parson windshield in the booth. Too bad they will not bring in Buddy Baker. Now that guy could call a race.

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Notice there wasn't a lot about brother Mikey when he wrecked and then pushed the other car down the track. And when Baby Bush ran in to Little E everyone started off talking about what it was, Shrub's attempt to put E in the wall which he got but didn't get the outcome he wanted and everyone started talking about Shrub getting loose. I didn't see it, but I am not getting paid a lot of money to "keep the peace."

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Guest dotsun

I'm nearly over NASCAR simply because of all the damn commercials. It seems rare when they get over 20 laps in before it's time for another break. I wish they'd quit interrupting the commercials with those freakin races.

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I'm nearly over NASCAR simply because of all the damn commercials.

The France family has to be paid and we do get to see the most of the race. What bugs me it to go to a football game and watch the players just stand around for a few minutes while the commercials run..

I don't know if ABC has any of the races this year or not. They do this split screen thing where the commercials run in one box and the race in another. Also no one says boogedy and Mikey.

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