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Noobie needs some help

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I just ordered a lee hand loader (I know bench better this bench better that, but this suits my needs) as of right now I'm only going to be reloading .380 and .223. Other than dies, powder measure, lube (for .223) and that sort of thing what all do I need? Do .223 always require trimming? I'm not making match ammo, just plinking ammo right now, and also if I do need a trimmer do I need a deburring tool? Reloading pistol rounds from what I understand are a little bit more simple, I just want to get everything I need to do .223 also.

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For a crank type, get an RCBS trim pro with the 3 way cutter head. You can add power to it later, or buy it that way. You also have the Gracey and Giraud power trimmers. That's all I know.

I HATE trimming brass, especially when you have to go back and deburr it. I bought the RCBS power trimmer with the 3 way head. I think the favorite is the Giraud. None of them are cheap.

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The easiest way to go, and the cheapest would be to buy the Lee trimmer set up. You could probably buy both caliber gauges and the lock stud and cutter for $15 or so, and you can chuck the lock stud in a drill and be motorized from the start. When you trimmed with the Lee setup it will trim all the cases to the correct length every time without any measurements. With a combo chamfer deburring tool for about the same price you'll be in business and motorized for all three steps.

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Scale and calipers, maybe. The 380 is possibly the most dangerous round I load because the difference between starting loads and max loads for a number of combinations is 1/2 a grain roughly. I would be afraid to use just a dipper to load those combinations, I would insist on a scale to go with it.

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The Lee trimmer setup even works when converting brass from 1 caliber to another. Just run the brass through the full length sizing die then size with the correct gauge. I've made about 100 8mm Mauser cases from 30-06 and .270 brass. Works way faster than hand cranking the Lyman trimmer.

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You might need a hand priming tool too. I'm not sure if those loaders have any way to seat primers or not. You might want to consider buying a manual as well. They have alot more info in them than just load recipes. If you buy the manual first it can help you decide which tools are needed and which are just wanted.

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