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NRA and Junk Mail...

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OK, I joined NRA a few months ago and ever since then have been receiving non-stop junk mail from them in my mailbox. Everything from insurance to rental car discounts...it is averaging at least 3 pieces a week. I'm to the point where I'm ready to cancel my membership if all its going to do is pay for all this crap they keep sending me. Is there anyway to opt out of all this junk mail???

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Guest David Waldrip


From https://www.nramemberservices.org/faq.asp.

Q: How can I reduce the amount of mail I receive from the NRA?

A: Simply email us at membership@nrahq.org or dial 800-NRA-3888 and request to be placed on the "Do Not Promote" list. This will significantly reduce the amount of mail you receive without affecting important mailings, magazine service, or your membership renewal.

Hope this helps.


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I think there actually is a way to do it on the web site. I agree it's annoying.

My take on it is as follows:

The $35 a year membership is a loss-leader for the NRA. The magazine is worth at least that. They keep it low in order to sign up people because in Washington numbers talk. An org with 2M members gets a lot more respect than one with 2k members. It also allows them to get a list to solicit for further fundraising.

The most annoying solicitation I got was some guy calling me at home at 9PM to solicit money prior to the election. And I tried to be as nice as I could.

That said, I am a huge believer in the NRA and that every shooter needs to join the org. They are the only, the only, organization that lobbies effectively for gun rights. You can point to this or that bone head move (every org makes them) but overall we would be in a world of hurt were it not for the NRA.

And if I can remember I will start an "add a buck" campaign for the NRA at the shop.

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From https://www.nramemberservices.org/faq.asp.

Q: How can I reduce the amount of mail I receive from the NRA?

A: Simply email us at membership@nrahq.org or dial 800-NRA-3888 and request to be placed on the "Do Not Promote" list. This will significantly reduce the amount of mail you receive without affecting important mailings, magazine service, or your membership renewal.

Hope this helps.


Thanks David, I'll do that and hopefully it helps!

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Id be happy if they would just send me ANYTHING!

I joined awhile back and never got one thing, not even the mag yet. And since i dont have my membership number (which is in some i never got package, or on the mag which i never got) im SOL.

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Guest Phantom6
Id be happy if they would just send me ANYTHING!

I joined awhile back and never got one thing, not even the mag yet. And since i dont have my membership number (which is in some i never got package, or on the mag which i never got) im SOL.

Call 'em. It's toll free.

Note: You can call the NRA toll free and ask to be taken off their mailing list. This will remove you from all mailings with the exception of your magazine subscribtion and your membership renewal. Keep in mind though that every time you enter into a drawing at any large sporting goods shop like Bass Pro, Gander Mtn., Dicks, etc. your contact information is sold by those companies to the NRA and your junk mail will start again. BTW, your membership monies are not used to generate all that mail. That money comes from corporate and large private doners. Last year the NRA spent about $2.5 million on mailings which generated a return of over $10 Million so I'd say that from a marketing standpoint the initial outlay of $2.5 mil. was well worth it. Wish I could get that kind of per annum return on my investments. :(

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