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Turkey Shoots and Gun Raffles Around Nashville

PA Boy

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I’ve been in the Nashville area for almost 2 years and have been trying hard every fall to find some local Turkey Shoots and Gun Raffles to attend on my days off from work. Anybody able and willing to share the name of some locations? Any recommendations/ information would be greatly appreciated!

-PA Boy

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Sorry to derail the topic, but I keep seeing signs for a Turkey Shoot between Manchester & Tullahoma.

What the living flip IS a turkey shoot?????

Rob; It's a shooting match using shotguns and shooting the sponsor's cheap generic #7 shot shells. You usually shoot at an 8x11 piece of paper with a big "X" in the middle. Around ten people shoot at a time, and the one putting a pellet closest to the center of the "X" wins. Most prizes consist of a coupon for a frozen Turkey or ham from a local supper market. Years ago, live Turkeys were given out hence "turkey shoot". Some shoots have other prizes as well. Usualy 2-3 dollars a shot.

Similiar to the shoots you have across the pond for "Brown Ales and Pub Bitters". Sorry Bro....couldn't resist!

Dave S

Edited by DaveS
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Oooh, sounds like a grin!

Next time I see the signs I reckon I'll drop in for a shot or 30.

Good Luck!

There's an old fella here with only one and half arms (I think he lost one arm in the war between the states). He shoot's an old browning 16 gauge, old dude does his share of winning!

He shoots right handed and holds the shotgun rested on the knub of his left arm at the elbow.

Dave S

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Rob; It's a shooting match using shotguns and shooting the sponsor's cheap generic #7 shot shells. You usually shoot at an 8x11 piece of paper with a big "X" in the middle. Around ten people shoot at a time, and the one putting a pellet closest to the center of the "X" wins. Most prizes consist of a coupon for a frozen Turkey or ham from a local supper market. Years ago, live Turkeys were given out hence "turkey shoot". Some shoots have other prizes as well. Usualy 2-3 dollars a shot.

Similiar to she shoots you have across the pond for "Brown Ales and Pub Bitters". Sorry Bro....couldn't resist!

Dave S

Well Sayd Dave...

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Thanks for all the responses guys... I've been to the one in Portland 2 or 3 times last year and was able to take home a bird or two. I'll deff. be keeping my eyes and ears open.

Shoot straight all!

- PA

They'll beholding a bunch of shoots around here now that fall has fell and holidays coming up. I guess I'll dust off the old shotgun!

Dave S

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I went to check out one locally last year that was put on by a local LEA. When I got there and saw all the custom shotguns that were obviously built just for turkey shoots (six or seven foot barrels with what looked like six inch long chokes screwed into them complete with scopes, etc.) I just got my happy ass back into the truck and left. Some folks can't leave well enough alone and just compete with ordinary shotguns and I'm not wasting my time and $$$ using my regular, old shotgun up against stuff like that.

Edited by JAB
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