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About zgunbear

  • Birthday 04/09/1969

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  • Location
    Spring Hill, TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    none at the moment previously gunsmith and customer service


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 21

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  1. I finally found a rifle I have been hunting for 25 years. It is a Winchester XTR Featherweight 6.5x55 Swedish. I have some ammo but does anyone have any idea where some might be available?
  2. It may not be legal for competition. Since it is a firearm and does not meet the legal definition of a shotgun it may mot be allowed for 3 gun. I have several friends that shoot IDPA at Strategic Edge, after I got my AR pistol running good I looked into shooting it. It was not allowed since it did not have a 16 inch barrel. So you would need to check the rule book and with the people running the particular match to see what they allow.
  3. In November 2017 I shattered my right wrist. I Glockhad to have a titanium plate and 8 screws put in to hold it together . Then in March of 2018 the easy came out. It was the only pistol I could shoot. Unfortunately I did so much damage to my wrist I will never be able to take more recoil than the 380 ez right handed. I work at the Franklin range and I have sold a bunch of them. I still carry it when I want a thin lightweight option. They are a good tool for the design parameters. But I wanted to have more power so I started working hard and taught myself to shoot pistols left handed. I scored 482 out of 500 the first Glock match I shoot left handed. So now I shoot pistols left handed. Been difficult overcoming 30 plus years of muscle memory.
  4. I only carry factory ammo for defensive use. I will look into Hornady critical duty.
  5. I built an AR pistol in 45 acp with an 8.5 inch barrel. I am trying to decide between carrying fmj in it or jhp. My reasoning is that when we close the gunstore and leave late at night if spmeone tries to rob the store I may have to shoot through a windshield or car door. For that fmj would be preferable. However if the shot requires expansion not penetration jhp are better. What say you?
  6. They didn't have it and the guy I dpoke to couldn't find it to order in the system.
  7. Thanks I will keep looking and keep you in mind
  8. Does anyone in the Nashville, Franklin, or Spring Hill have a .578x28 or 37/64x28 tap I could burrow fir a day or two. I built an AR pistol and need to rethread my flashcan.
  9. Thanks got 3 boxes. Going to take it down tonight to clean and oil it. Get it ready to shoot Tuesday.
  10. no tracers in 30-06 I used to have some in 7.62x51 but can't locate them anymore
  11. Does anyone know where to buy some in middle TN? I want to shoot my dad's Garand on the Fourth of July.
  12. Does anyone know if either show is worth gping to? I am looking for a CZ 527 in 7.62x39
  13. My 12 bore gun works. It took some filing and muzzle work I have it shooting a nice group with Lyman 525 grain slugs. [URL="http://s282.photobucket.com/user/zgunbear/media/thumper%20right%20side.jpg.html"][image]http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk271/zgunbear/thumper%20right%20side.jpg[/image][/URL] [URL="http://s282.photobucket.com/user/zgunbear/media/thumper%20food.jpg.html"][image]http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk271/zgunbear/thumper%20food.jpg[/image][/URL] The target is an eight slug group. I am roll crimping them with an antique roll crimper I won on Ebay. [image]http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk271/zgunbear/slug%20target.jpg[/image] Here is a family portrait of both my doubles. 45-70 Baikal on the bottom and my Thumper on top. I am thinking about having the rib engraved .722 Smooth Bore Express. [image]http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk271/zgunbear/20160907_172608.jpg[/image]
  14. I am getting ready to order some 405 grain bullets to use in reloading my 45-70. The company I order from offers powder coated at the same price as regular cast lead. Are there advantages to usinf the powdet coated in a double rifle?
  15. Got the rear sight replaced. Shot my old slug reloads at 50 yards. It will hold minute of pig. The most interesting thing is that it will shoot a good pattern at 25 yards. Aimed at clays sitting on the berm and broke them with both barrels. The shotpattern was centered on the pount of aim. It will also shot Fiocchi slugs to POA. However they lead the bores very quickly. I received the mold I ordered so soon will be castong and loading some .680 lead balls.


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