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Just Something I Noticed..

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Do you see a similarity between the two maps?

2008 election by states


CSA and Union States during Civil War


If the South had won the war, would we now have a President John McCain?

...or someone related to Jefferson Davis?

... or would their last name be Lee? :shrug:

72.7% CSA voted for John McCain

27.3% CSA voted for Barack Obama

4.8% Union voted for John McCain

95.2% Union voted for Barack Obama

Well I'll tell ya...

By looking at the maps my long time suspicion seems to be true!

Florida has become a Yankee State...

and North Carolina and Virginia have so many half-backs now that it's starting to

sway the political vote! :rofl:

Best at ya!


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Guest Lester Weevils

72.7% CSA voted for John McCain

27.3% CSA voted for Barack Obama

4.8% Union voted for John McCain

95.2% Union voted for Barack Obama

Electorally it may have been that skewed, because most states assign electors with "winner takes all".However I was inspecting the 2008 state-by-state voter percentages a couple of months ago and it was "nearly a tie" in all but a handful of states.

Only a couple of states had a margin greater than 10 percent pro obama, and only a couple of states ha a margin that big pro mccain.

The vast majority of states were "nearly tied" except a tiny percent swung it one way or t'other. Some of the states have enough of a tiny precent of extra democrats to always go democrat, and some have enough of a tiny peercent extra republicans to always go republican.

But even in the most partisan lop-sided states-- If you lived in a "solid blue" state with a 10 percent margin, I think that means that out of your 100 closest neighbors who voted, 40 of em vote mccain. Most of the "near thing" states, it would be more like out of your 100 closest neighbors who voted, 51 went one way and 49 went t'other.

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Anyone see the similarities between 1860 and today? Northern aggression, a government out of control, a Nanney state, population control, government mistrust?

As a nation we have become divided between two camps. Those that want the government to provide for their every need (wealth redistribution), and those that want to keep and earn what they have.

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Guest Lester Weevils


Yes, you're right. But the same thing could be said about the people making a choice in each state to secede from the Union, it wasn't 100% in each state.

Thanks 1morethan8, that is a good point.

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