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How you carry with YOUNG children around.

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My daughter has been around guns her entire life.

I carry my Glock 19 in a Bladetech IWB holster. Holds it fine, never had an issue.

My daughter has been raised not to touch.

She is six now, and it has never been an issue. It is not that I leave them laying on the coffee table, but they are around.

She also goes to the range and shoots with her own rifle, has since she was about four or so. It was always a fun afternoon to have her help me load magazines as well.

The most important part is to make sure she knows what to do around guns. Hiding them and acting like they are taboo is not how you go about it. Then the gun has a mystique and she will want to play with it. Take the mystique away. Show her what it is, and take her own and show her what it can do. When she is old enough of course.

The only 'incident' we have ever had was several years ago, she was around three at the time, she was holding my hand in line at Walmart. She was swinging around and having a good time. She slammed into my hip and smacked her head on my gun. She screamed at the top of her voice "Daddy, your gun hit me on my head!" Seems it scared the woman in line behind me bad enough she had to pick another line.
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[quote name='Jonnin' timestamp='1354215363' post='852494']

I do not care for kids toy guns for gun owning parents at a young age so there is no confusion between a toy and the real thing, and so there are no bad habits from shooting each other with nerf projectiles etc. Once old enough to understand the difference, the toys are OK, but at age 3 or 4? They could think the real thing is a toy...!!!

My wife's family doesn't get it. My daughter is a tomboy from hell, so they made a smart remark about getting her toy guns for Christmas, as they feel she should be a little lady. My wife (a former liberal) explained that we don't allow toy guns in the house.

It was a priceless explanation when my wife explained to her family that our daughter had her own rifle, and we had taken great pains to teach her how to use it and what it could do. We did not want a toy gun in the house to disrupt all of that.

I know that is not a popular move, even among gun folks, but it has worked. My daughter doesn't even eyeball toy guns in the store, but she will stare longingly at pink stocked rifles and tell me how badly she wishes her rifle were pink.
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[quote name='Murgatroy' timestamp='1354237981' post='852626']

The only 'incident' we have ever had was several years ago, she was around three at the time, she was holding my hand in line at Walmart. She was swinging around and having a good time. She slammed into my hip and smacked her head on my gun. She screamed at the top of her voice "Daddy, your gun hit me on my head!" Seems it scared the woman in line behind me bad enough she had to pick another line.

My wife and I just feel out laughing at this. I definitely agree that education is the best option.

Funny story, when I was a kid probably around 6, I had a single shot 410. My mom asked me to get it so she could kill a snake that she found in the yard. I told her no because my dad said never to touch it unless he was with me. Needless to say she wasn't happy with me, but when dad got home. He told me that I did right because I followed the rules for me to keep the gun. We still laugh about it.
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