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Arrogant, period.

Guest Steelharp

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Maybe some of you have already seen these, but Obama's camp has been using some pretty disturbing symbolism for a while now.



In particular, notice the figure in the star (see Obama's lapel in the first post and the third picture in the second post). The artist, Shepard Fairey seems to love getting his "inspiration" (some critics call in plagiarism) from the Soviet and Communist China propaganda posters.

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Interesting idea the concept of Obama being "out of touch" and this new campaign symbol being an example of it. I would imagine the vetting process for every logo/emblem/sticker/image in a presidential campaign that has millions to spend is fairly intense. We'll see if the "out of touch" with the majority comment applies to Obama or those criticizing the symbol. If everyone here is right, the symbol will be gone in no time, if it sticks around it will show that the majority of people who might actually vote for the guy don't care or don't see the problem.

I guess everyone here was right because the symbol was gone in no time.

Obama is a poor, unprepared candidate and it shows constantly. This won't be the last such incident, is my prediction.

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Guest Steelharp
As Newsmax reported, the deletion of "E Pluribus Unum," long considered the de-facto motto of the United States, is not accidental for multiculturalists, who have long denigrated the concept that immigrants must strip away their old culture in favor of the "oneness" of American civilization.

In the 1990s, such activists promoted the alternative concept of the nation's ethnic "mosaic," rather than a single, overarching metaphor to describe American society. For example, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has pointedly criticized the "E Pluribus Unum" motto as not reflecting the nation's diversity.

There's our problem, hoss. It's the Great Melting Pot. So, MELT, DAMMIT! I get so sick of FairyComm and his ilk...

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Logical fallacy, Len. All of the TV networks are running the same story. The media has been all over Obama for this. The Today Show just did a spot on it this morning. I don't think you would call them a bastion of conservative thinking.

You prefer "objective" sources like the New York Times or Washington Post?

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What a piece of ****!!

Is he gonna change the flag too??? cause you know all of these things are the important issues he faces...:D

This part got me REALLY boiling:

"Other Obama changes to the seal include the removal of the shield over the eagle's breast, representing the president's oath to defend the Constitution. "

He doesnt look to have too many fans here:


He'll have to change the flag to add the extra stars for the states that everyone forgot.....what is it now 56,57,60?

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