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Walking Dead almost caught up(no spoilers please)


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I am almost caught up, just have to watch the last episode of S2, then start on S3. Started watching it on netflix about the time S3 started. But I doubt I can watch TV for 10 hours tomorrow, 11am-9pm. Man thats a lot of TV, I will just have to wait for more reruns or wait for it to come on netflix. I will atleast watch the S2 finale tomorrow morning.

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I am almost caught up, just have to watch the last episode of S2, then start on S3. Started watching it on netflix about the time S3 started. But I doubt I can watch TV for 10 hours tomorrow, 11am-9pm. Man thats a lot of TV, I will just have to wait for more reruns or wait for it to come on netflix. I will atleast watch the S2 finale tomorrow morning.

Get a DVR; it will change everything. When I'm gone the wife DVRs all our shows so we can watch them any time we want.

Oh, and spoiler alert..... season 3 is waaay better so far than season 1 and 2.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Victor9er

Well I finally joined the bandwagon and JUST started watching Season 1 for the first time myself. A friend let me borrow their DVDs so I'll be diving into them more over the next few weeks.

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i kinda wished they would have found a way to draw out the CDC thing a little bit.


I agree. So many things could have been set or resolved. Did the CDC guy have information on the virus(?), or know something about Laurie?

Seems that the building could have yielded sort-term safety if not valuable supplies for the group.


Anyway just seemed an awkward close to the season to me.


I think it's time to go back and re-watch S1&2 to really appreciate the character development and story that has come into play now. Maybe even read the comic issues.

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I agree. So many things could have been set or resolved. Did the CDC guy have information on the virus(?), or know something about Laurie?

Seems that the building could have yielded sort-term safety if not valuable supplies for the group.


Anyway just seemed an awkward close to the season to me.


I think it's time to go back and re-watch S1&2 to really appreciate the character development and story that has come into play now. Maybe even read the comic issues.



two steps ahead, wife bought me season 1 and 2 and i watched them all in about 4 days. doing it again too with the black and whites on tv 

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