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Who will be McCain's VP Choice???

Who will be McCain's VP Choice???  

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  1. 1. Who will be McCain's VP Choice???

    • Tom Ridge
    • Mike Huckabee
    • Mitt Romney
    • Charlie Crist
    • Kay Bailey Hutchison

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Guest canynracer
not that I want him to...but what about Condoleezza Rice

yeah, I thought of that...that would probably be a good choice for him...two birds with one stone, black woman....I dont know much about her though

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Guest canynracer
you can't be serious that you would want Rice as VP. Good God, as VP she might be harmless enough, but as president nonononononononononononononononononono

She would be a disaster

So Mike...tell me your thoughts?


we are talking about VP

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tell me your thoughts?


we are talking about VP

When I think of VP I also think of "potential president", after all the vp is next in line.

if I can't deal with the VP as president the guy running for president will not get my vote.

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Guest canynracer

Well, she doesnt like Gun Control....LOL http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Condoleezza_Rice_Gun_Control.htm

Developed opposition to gun control due to KKK

The event that seared its way most powerfully into Rice's memory was the 1963 bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. She heard the blast. Rice recalls the terror she felt as an eight-year-old. "These terrible events burned into my consciousness," she remembers. And, as America shook its head in disbelief at the murder of four girls, Condi was mourning the two she knew personally--including Denise McNair, her kindergarten classmate. "I remember more than anything the coffins, the small coffins, and the sense that Birmingham was not a very safe place."

Armed with a shotgun, her father joined the other men of the black community in night patrols to keep the KKK out of the neighborhood. It was in the crucible of that experience that Condoleezza developed her opposition to gun control and came to value what she sees as the Second Amendment guarantee of the "right to bear arms." Source: Condi vs. Hillary, by Dick Morris, p. 71-72 Oct 11, 2005

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Guest canynracer
When I think of VP I also think of "potential president", after all the vp is next in line.

if I can't deal with the VP as president the guy running for president will not get my vote.


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Guest grimel
I'd love it personally... but whats she done besides her current position?

Her first qualification is she is 100% RKBA, she has stated publicly she remembers her father keeping klansmen at bay with a shotgun.

Her second qualification is she doesn't want the job preferring to be the commissioner of the NFL.

Other than that, she's been a good soldier for Bush and she would be a negative with the "black" vote and women

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Guest grimel
When I think of VP I also think of "potential president", after all the vp is next in line.

if I can't deal with the VP as president the guy running for president will not get my vote.

And Obama as POTUS is better how?

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Obama as POTUS is better how?

where did I say that. I stated that I did not like Rice as a VP candidate.

I believe she is part of a web of deceit that has come out of the current administration. I also do not base my vote on the single issue of RKBA

Is the election already over? I guess they ought to not even have it. Way to many people already fixing to swear Barry in.

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Guest grimel
where did I say that. I stated that I did not like Rice as a VP candidate.

"When I think of VP I also think of "potential president", after all the vp is next in line.

if I can't deal with the VP as president the guy running for president will not get my vote."

It's a simple if-then-else statement.

If you don't like Rice, so you won't vote McCain, thus you must think Obama is a better option than Rice.

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Guest grimel

Bill Clinton got elected first term because of:

- "Read my lips - no new taxes"

- Dan Quayle

- OS

I liked Quayle more than Gore. If the MSM had given Gore/Clinton's screwups even 1/10th the coverage they gave Quayle, the bozos would have never made it to the White House.

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