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Rant...DMV didn't send in paperwork.


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My wife has been waiting on her permit to come in for a while now (took class, fingerprinted, and paperwork done early January). Today she finally gets a letter, its from the department of safety and homeland security. They have everything except a copy of her handgun certificate. So thanks to the people at the DMV she has another long wait ahead of her. Will try to get this cleared up Monday.

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Man that sucks! A guy that works for me and his wife sent their info off 4 weeks ago, and received their permits yesterday. I couldn't believe they got both of them in the mail on the same day. I told them that's very fast considering what is going on and some of the waiting times I've seen posted on here. Their applications most have landed on top of a stack.
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It dosent suprise me,took almost 3 months to get mine,I keep calling & asking & they said it was being processed.Come to find out the scanner /computer had problems & my certifcate didnt get scanned & sent from the DOT office,took it back down there & they rescanned & sent,think i had a week or so left before I would have had to pay another $115.My bugging them is the only reason I found out I was 1 of the ones that had the same problem   :(   ,its kinda like going to mcdonalds drive thru,they dont care what you ordered you will get something in a bag when they have time,never mind that your the buyer & only want what you pay for in a timely manner lol

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<br />It dosent suprise me,took almost 3 months to get mine,I keep calling & asking & they said it was being processed.Come to find out the scanner /computer had problems & my certifcate didnt get scanned & sent from the DOT office,took it back down there & they rescanned & sent,think i had a week or so left before I would have had to pay another $115.My bugging them is the only reason I found out I was 1 of the ones that had the same problem :( ,its kinda like going to mcdonalds drive thru,they dont care what you ordered you will get something in a bag when they have time,never mind that your the buyer & only want what you pay for in a timely manner lol<br />

<br />Yeah the people at the DMV only get an hour or so of training on the new equipment none of which is hands on Edited by luke9511
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