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Guest 6.8 AR

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Guest 6.8 AR

I think it remains to be seen. Referring to the post above you, Mac.


I don't expect anything to come of it, either, but the people in the loop get to say

their piece. As far as evidence goes, just where was Hillary and Barack? There

was a constant drivel about where Obama was during the killing of bin Laden. I

wonder why that isn't out there, this time?


Those hearings can be done now, but an impeachment hearing can happen in 2014,

if one won't happen earlier.


This is something that needs to be outraging everyone, and should be pushed until

Hell freezes over. What happened in Benghazi was the same as cold blooded murder.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guest Lester Weevils

If they have an assortment of whistle blowers to choose from, strategy would not dictate that the most damning testimony would be rolled out in the first outing. But I agree that it is rather unlikely that enough senators would indict for impeachment regardless of the evidence.


On the other hand it took what? Nine months or a year of hearings and investigation until it got so embarrassing that Senate Republicans went along with Nixon's impeachment?


If it could just get bad enough to let a special investigator loose, then that alone would keep the white house so busy covering up and dissembling, that little time would be left to pursue the demagogue in chief's agenda in the final three years. After all, significant executive time must be reserved for proper attention to golf, hoops, parties and vacations. Therefore the hassle of dealing with a special investigator would eat up most of the remaining time that would otherwise be dedicated to the fundamental transformation of the USA.


But I don't even much expect a special prosecutor. No way to predict. If critical mass is ever achieved, it will morph overnight from senators covering for the boss, switching to the same senators suddenly stampeding over themselves to throw Obama under the bus. At least that is how it seemed to work for Nixon and sympathetic Republicans.


Was thinking, regarding Hillary. They could throw Hillary under the bus and maybe get off scott free. No snot off their noses. Dunno why, but maybe John Kerry isn't especially sympathetic to Hillary. If there is damning info in the State Dept filing cabinets, then John Kerry could manage to allow damning leaks without implicating himself.

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Guest nra37922

What is your point!

The point is that even though Bengazi trumps Watergate in, if nothing else, sheer political lies the press will never turn on the current Liar In Chief nor his aides.  Hell Bengazi might as well be a muscle ointment as far as the press is concerned.

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The point is that even though Bengazi trumps Watergate in, if nothing else, sheer political lies the press will never turn on the current Liar In Chief nor his aides.  Hell Bengazi might as well be a muscle ointment as far as the press is concerned.

Yes I see your point. After watching the testimony, I now think that what ever is presented will be a whisp in the wind to the Dems and the American people who care will be Dammed.

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