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Boot/Shoe recommendations?

Guest TankerHC

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Thanks to all for all of the suggestions, recommendations. Tried all of them this afternoon and evening. All of them were good recommendations. Only problem I had finding any at several different places were the Ariats, the only ones I could find were Western Boots. Tried them on anyway, must have tried 15-17 different pairs of boots, work boots, hiking boots, Western Boots, etc.. Before each time I googled proper fit for type, and how to test for proper fit. Strangely enough, seemed like the best detail on proper fit for each type came from Hikers and Mountain Climbers in Minnesota. (One guy claimed he had 2000 hard miles on his Bates with no sign they would fail anytime soon)


Ended up getting what was best (for me) which was a pair of Bates Enforcer Ultralites. Immediately took out the insoles and replaced them with Spectrum SpectraGel Orthotic Sports Insoles. Amazingly (And I know it might sound unbelievable) the relief was almost instantaneous. The Bates were already Ultralites and I think I even lightened them a few ounces with the new insoles. 


There is still pain, but nothing near what it has been the last two to three months. So trial and error didnt work. Asking here did.


Thanks again




Now find someone that fits custom orthotic supports and let them handfit you to your footwear.  Many physical and/or occupational therapists can do this, and will work with you to get the best possible outcomes.

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I've got to start paying attention to the dates before I post ...

It disturbs me a little bit that I think "oh I need to post something in that one thread..." And I look the thread up and its been that long since its been posted in.
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It disturbs me a little bit that I think "oh I need to post something in that one thread..." And I look the thread up and its been that long since its been posted in.


Yes, time can be a funny thing sometimes, once it seemed like the days crawled by, now it's often hard to keep track of them ...

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