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Tactical Scopes 1x verses 2x

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In my quest to pick out a close to mid range scope for a tactical rifle a question has come up. Is being able to use a scope on 1x like a red dot that big of an advantage especially since some 1x versions out there are not true 1x? If I understand it right if you want to have the capability similar to a red dot the scope needs to be a true 1x which limits choices. I'm thinking a 2x may be a good route to go?  I have a non-magnified Leupold Prismatic which I assume is a true 1x and the reticle is etched in the glass. I have no trouble using it but it is a little different to Aimpoints and EOTech etc. Sometimes it takes a split second for your eyes and brain to get in sink. I'm thinking that if the 1x scope is not true 1x then it will not be anything like using a red dot?? Any comments will be appreciated.

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Multiple US Military units are running 4x ACOGs with a both eyes open technique at close range with pretty good success.  Ask your local infantryman.  I have a Leupold 1.5-5x that can be shot easily at the 1.5x setting with both eyes open.  Unless you're cross-eye dominant (left eye / right handed or vice versa) you should have no issues with any low powered optic.  Try somebody else's if you get a chance before buying if you have the chance.  The magnification difference between eyes doesn't mess you up nearly as much as you'd think it would.

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I have checked out some 1x to 4x optics and others over the Holiday time. I've noticed that some reticles are really small in 1x or 2x and more visible at higher
magnifications. Seems like I read somewhere that manufacturers have to select one of the magnifications for a SFP reticle size and most the time it is the higher one? Don't know if FFP or SFP makes a difference on that. Handled a 3x9 Accupoint. Reticle worked good in all magnifications and I think it is SFP. A few SFP reticles on 1 x 4 scopes were very small on 1x and considerably more visible on 4x. The Accupoint is on my list.
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To me my 1-4 Accupoint is significantly faster than my 1.5-4 mark AR. Pretty much everything about it seems better to my eyes. Of course there is a price difference. The frame around the glass really disappears running both eyes open. It is now my primary duty optic. I did a mini review on here a while back. Trijicon almost lost me with the problems I had with my SRS (they fixed it though) but they won back my confidence with the TR24g. Edited by cch2a
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