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Sleep profit

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Sleep profit last won the day on January 5 2023

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1 Follower

About Sleep profit

Profile Information

  • Location
    Loudon TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Target shooting skeet shooting
  • Occupation
    Sleep tech. LEO RET


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig 365xl

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  1. Glad you found good private deals that’s encouraging
  2. Billy bob. Did you go I normally do but I didn’t this show. Wanted to know your opinion
  3. Love Walther they make great guns
  4. Best 45 sub compact I ever had was a STI a gun made. In Texas very accurate Wish I had not sold it
  5. Got around 4 inches here in Loudon County I got driveway shoveled off and put down a large bag of grass seed on the yard hopefully it pays off in spring Darrell had a much better idea stay safe
  6. Hard to beat a Mossberg 500 or a Remington 870 both great guns Look on this site something will come along
  7. I made a big pot of chili for today and Texas and Ohio state play tonight at 7:30 bring it on as long as we have electricity I’m good
  8. I’m ahead of the game I never started
  9. Loudon checking in we have a little I think it’s just started 26 degrees here really cold stay safe
  10. I have three 5 11 range bags like what is shown above. One for 9 mm. One for 45 and one for 22. That way I can store all guns ammo. and accessories in their own bag all I have to do is grab one and out the door
  11. Worked out on ones like this all thru high school worked great
  12. Thanks for recipe. I’m always looking for new and easy recipes I. .can do I. tend to get in a rut and cook the same dishes So something new would be great And it’s going to get really cold so that sounds good


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