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So..Corker votes NO to help veterans?

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The Senate passed a bill to allow veterans experiencing long wait times or who live more than 40 miles from a Department of Veterans Affairs medical facility to see doctors outside the VA health system, as long as the doctors participate in the Medicare program or are at a federally qualified health center, Defense Department facility or a facility funded by the Indian Health Service. It would also authorize the VA secretary to demote or fire poor-performing Senior Executive Service employees.

Sen. Lamar Alexander voted YES
Sen. Bob Corker voted NO
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I think all veterans would qualify if it ever did pass. It used to take 2-4 months to see a Dr at the VA for me, Now it's up to 6. Besides that, the quality of care I've received included looking over my blood work, listen to my chest and that's about it.
My first Doc retired 3 ears ago, they've had temps filling in, guest workers I suppose. Finally got a new Doc and she seemed like a real deal caring type. Asked her if she is my permanent physician and she told me she has already resigned.
Can't blame her, Edited by Ugly
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I saw him speak on this.  The reason he voted No wasn't because he didn't want to help the Veterans, the reason he voted no was because there was no budgetary estimate and long term cost associated with it.  He wanted them to figure out how they were going to pay for it.  I agree with him.   I am by no means against helping veterans, but as with any new law, we should be looking very carefully at how this is all going to get paid for.  Simply because this is a veterans issues shouldn't give it a free pass.

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A complete reading of the Bill will show that it really could be called the "2014 Increase in Federal Union Workers at the VA Enhancement Act." 


It was written by Veterans Affairs’ Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).   Why the "I" instead of "D" for Democrat?  Maybe "S" would be too honest and true.  Sanders is a self-described Socialist and has praised European socialist democracies.


Of course he caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments.


His major re-election funds are from union organizations. 


He never served. 


He isn't a Vet. 


However, in the 1970s Sanders was a member of the leftist anti-war & anti-military Liberty Union Party of Vermont.  The LUP had links to the Communist Party of America. 


I reckon in today's Democrat Party showing hate for the military fulfills all that is necessary to be qualified to chair the Veterans Affairs’ Committee.


Anything that Sanders comes up with and that Corker works against is A-OK with me.  I'm trusting that Bob Corker was able to peel back the onion and see the rot.   




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