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I got a letter from the mayor

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Of New York that is.

awhile back, when the NY mayors office instituted that "sting" of gun shops, I decided to write to him and ask not only why They wanted to disregard the law but to get his views on the subject..

contrary to popular belief, I was in my "LEN mode" and was very polite, articulate and non-confrontational.

I recieved his reply..and its full of inconsistencies...thats political speak for "that mans' a LIAR"..

I thought you folks would get a kick out of it so I'm going to post his letter and my final reply to the NY Mayors office.

Dear Mr. Fitchett:

Thank you for your recent letter. Like many cities across America, New York faces a serious problem: criminals with easy access to illegal guns. That is why we have adopted a comprehensive three-pronged strategy of tougher enforcement, new legislation, and innovative litigation – and our strategy is working. This year, both crime and murder rates are down significantly, even as crime has been rising in the rest of the nation.

About 90 percent of guns used in crimes in New York City come from out-of-state, and so we have a responsibility to work with other mayors to find innovative new ways to crack down on illegal gun trafficking. That is why I have helped to create a new national coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns. In just a year, the coalition has grown from 15 to more than 200 mayors from across the country, and from both major political parties.

The fight against illegal guns is not about the Second Amendment. It is about enforcing the law and keeping illegal guns out of the hands of criminals. Our Administration will continue working to do everything possible to keep all New Yorkers – and the police officers who protect us every day – safe, and to continue making the safest big city in America even safer. While we may not agree on this issue, I appreciate your sharing your point of view with me.


Michael R. Bloomberg


and here is my reply

Mr. Bloomberg.

There are a number of disconcerting discrepancies in your letter to me that I'd like to point out.

1. According to a recent Supreme court ruling, the police are not here to PROTECT us. So I feel that you're being dishonest on that point.

2. when you say that your fight is not about the second amendment, why is it that I find your coalition is attacking the second amendment directly and in doing so you've been censured by not only the BATF but the FBI as well?..thats lie numbah 2 mr. politician!!!

3. AS of the statistics for 2005, violent crimes have actually RISEN in your fair city..I would love to know where you get your statistics from! unless you can show me more recent statistics for the past 2 years...I guess I'll go with your previous track record...thats number 3.

As a tribute to your "innovation in law enforcement"...I have decided that April 15th will be renamed in my household to BAG day...for you that would be BUY A GUN day, so that when your jackbooted ilk come to MY house to destroy MY way of life, I won't have to sit idle and allow it to happen. There ARE people in the U.S. that actually have a spine and understand how to respond to shennanigans like yours.

Unlike you, I believe that protection is a personal responsibility and not one that should be sloughed off on the already overburdened shoulders of our Law enforcement Officers.

I find that your shameless disregard for MY rights is disgusting and your attempt to control the actions of people outside your own state is only a hair short of petty despotism.

That Sir, is the long and short of my opinion on your "position"...so your assessment that you and I don't agree would be the FIRST ACCURATE THING that you've corresponded.

I commend you on that one accuracy and hope sincerely that your love of truth is nurtured and that it flowers..but I am not sanguine about the outcome of my hope.

Sincerely..and I really mean that,

Elliott Fitchett

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Guest CrazyLincoln
About 90 percent of guns used in crimes in New York City come from out-of-state

Gee I wonder why? Maybe because criminals will gladly break federal law to do their bidding while the law abiding citizens are left unarmed.

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"contrary to popular belief, I was in my "LEN mode" and was very polite, articulate and non-confrontational."

I'm clearly getting a bad reputation on this board!... :rofl:


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No problem, just kidding with you. In all seriousness, if I have the reputation at TGO as polite and articulate, I am very happy. Thanks for the kind words. Are you in TN these days or are you hanging from a tower someplace cold?


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actually Len, My intended bride put her foot down..she said that she "really" wanted me to work somewhere closer to home, so that when I got time off in between jobs, I wouldn't have to take a plane ride to come home.

so, right now I am talking to a tower company in Knoxville to see what they can offer me...till then I'm home!


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Well!!! it seems that Va. District attorney Robert F. McDonnell feels the same way I do about Mayor Bloombergs' disregard for our individual rights...

He has had legislation passed that will now make "sting operations" by "El Duche" Bloomberg a felony act and has written a letter to the petty tyrant to inform him that he will allow his state troopers to execute that legislation to the fullest extent of their "faithful capabilities".

you can see the whole thing here in pdf format, included is the letter to the mayor and the legislation that was passed.


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Guest Phantom6

"contrary to popular belief, I was in my "LEN mode" and was very polite, articulate and non-confrontational."

I'm clearly getting a bad reputation on this board!... ;)


Aw heck Len, I wouldn't let it bother you cause I don't believe it for a minute. :D

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Guest Phantom6

BTW Tower, Mr. Bloomberg also failed to mention that his "Coalition " was falling apart. Many of his mayors are jumping ship because they have seen that his agenda is much more than what he lured them into that thing with. I believe that Salt Lake City's mayor was the latest to bug out. Unfortunately Haslem in Knoxville still has not seen the light. but I'm workin' on him.

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