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Cleveland IDPA Classifer

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The April IDPA match will be a Classifier only match.  Per the IDPA rulebook,
Rule 9.8.1, you MUST be a Current IDPA member to shoot the classifier.
You may join IDPA by going to www.idpa.com
Registration is open at:
This match will run a little different than our normal IDPA matches;
We will not have regular squads as usual.  Instead, we will divide into 5 groups to begin, then after you shoot a stage, you may move on to another stage immediately, or at your leisure.
The Classifier is a 90 round, limited match, divided into 3 - 30rd stages.  The plan as of right now, (subject to change), is to have Stage 1 set up on Bays 2, 4, and 5.  Stage 2 will be set up twice on Bay 1 to allow two shooters to shoot one right after the other before scoring both.  And Stage 3 will be set up twice on Bay 3.
We will have Safety Officers assigned to each stage to run everyone through, then the SO's will shoot after everyone else is done.  
We still need at least 4 more safety officers to help with the match.
If you are certified Safety Officer and willing to help run this match and stay until everyone else has shot, please indicate so when you register.

Hopefully this way, we will get everyone through fairly quickly.

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