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We are not going to vote our way out of this...

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We are going to have to win our efforts in court, we are not going to be able to vote our way out of this.

The Governor and the General Assembly are not going to quit suckling at the teat of the Chamber of Commerce, who by the way hate you and anything that smells of Liberty and the Founding.

TFA is party to the Texas Law suit that achieved a Temporary Retraining Order against the ATF and its "Final Rule" regarding who is "in the business".  TFA members are protected from ATF enforcing its rule on them for the time being  

TRO out of Texas Federal Court against Final Rule

Edited by Worriedman
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We have forced a c 3 whose Mission Statement is simply to litigate for restorative issues related to the 2nd Amendment in TN.

Just imagine if every hunter who bought a license (some 840K) would donate the cost of a box of ammo to that Foundation, it would give us over $8Million to hire attorneys and brief writers, we could tear them up here.

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I'm convinced that it will take considerable funds and votes to make a change. District 18 for example has an opportunity to send a RINO packing that has shown me he cares little about our rights and is an influence peddler of the highest order.  

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With so many pro-2A organizations out there begging for money, it's hard to decipher which one is actually going to utilize my donation to the fullest versus take my money to pad their bloated salaries and continue LARPing to sustain their grift.

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31 minutes ago, LangdoniousRex said:

With so many pro-2A organizations out there begging for money, it's hard to decipher which one is actually going to utilize my donation to the fullest versus take my money to pad their bloated salaries and continue LARPing to sustain their grift.

Nationally, Im not sure.  I am a NRA Life Member but i stopped giving them money once I realized how extravagant LaPierre was.  Im a member of GOA but haven’t given them much other than the annual dues.  I am a member of and support TFA though for Tennessee issues.

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7 hours ago, LangdoniousRex said:

With so many pro-2A organizations out there begging for money, it's hard to decipher which one is actually going to utilize my donation to the fullest versus take my money to pad their bloated salaries and continue LARPing to sustain their grift.

You can rest assured that no Board Member or Director of TFA draws one penny from our funds. They are used to support good candidates, oppose bad ones and for our litigation only.

All of the trips I make to Nashville, all of the speeches I give across the state are on my own dime and own time.  I do not get reimbursed for gas, meals or hotels. 

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I think about all the years we all gave to the NRA thinking we were doing the rite thing and everything went to sheet. We live in a great place but I'm very tired of our paid leadership making choices about our constitutional rites  

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  • 2 weeks later...

The NRA lost its way under LaPierre, he then stacked the Board and it turned round robin into a theft ring.  He was a grifter, but anyone who was good friends with Harry Reid...

The problem in Tennessee is Leadership in the House and Senate and the worthless scared of his shadow governor.

Until we get enough everyday people off their rears and in the game they operate with impunity, just like the NRA did.

Sunfish is correct, Haile could be sent packing if enough folks in District 18 got involved.  He is a shill for Big Pharma, carrying and passing the bill to let them have their way with puberty blockers, but then the rest of the Senate is on the take as well...Lamberth and crew are all in to save Haile's bacon, that should be a key indicator.

If this outfit did not pass the Amendment to redo our 2nd Amendment analogue and take it back to the original construct of our 1796 Constitution this time (which Cameron Sexton is responsible for killing) they do not intend to do squat.

We are each simple slaves to gin the taxes they need to give to their buds as repayment for donations to keep them in power over us all.



Edited by Worriedman
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