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About myg30

  • Birthday 06/25/1958

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  • Location
    Winchester , TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Reloading, casting, Amature radio, F&AM.
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
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  1. That’s a great deal. Supprised they still here. Mike
  2. Member here Handsomrob had it fer sale but guessing it went fast
  3. Hope everyone is ok. Lots of rain and wind, flooding all over. Be safe today everyone. Mike
  4. 55 bucks, it’s in between the pictures. I had to look twice myself, but I’m old Mike
  5. Guess my old eyes missed that. Thank you
  6. What part of the state are you in ? Mike
  7. Check out the Castboolits forum. Yes the spelling is correct. Tumble lube is the simplest way to lube bullets or boolits as they refer to cast lead. In a nut shell you thin alox or make your own, ( all on the site under bullet lube) put a hand full of bullets into a small container, add a small amount of lube, shake, swirl etc till they are all LIGHTLY coated, dump on a parchment paper or wax paper, let dry, load n shoot. Some folks like a second coat on theirs, I usually don’t. I believe this lube is good to 1800 fps but my memory might be off. Message me if you have any questions, I’ll be glad to help. Read the sticky’s at the top of the lube section for Tumble lube ! Mike
  8. Great deal, somebody needs to grab this at this price.


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