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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. Because .40 is better. I'd really like it in 10mm, but I'm not holding my breath for that. I guess the .45 would have to come out first, so they can build the 10mm off the .45 frame.
  2. They can ship it to your local FFL. That will cost extra, of course. That's usually only $20-$30.
  3. The sad fact is, I was there, held it, smelled it, caressed it.......Um, anyway.....My better half would have been none too pleased with me. This hobby costs me almost too much too justify at times. But, like I said, my impatience is almost getting the better of me.
  4. As impatient as I'm getting, $709 is starting to look really good.
  5. I understand. I had to try.
  6. When exactly will they run out of oil?
  7. Can that be $660/OTD?
  8. Yep! According to Jason Ellis, you're correct.
  9. Yep! They're great! One of my favorite places.
  10. I wish it were the Bi-Tone.
  11. Reasonable Articulable Suspicion is little more than some made-up BS, because Probable cause wasn't quite cutting the mustard in the court of law. There were too many cases being thrown out of court, because LEO's didn't quite have the Probable Cause they had first thought. Reasonable Articulable Suspicion, by definition, means "more than a hunch", so, pulling someone over, simple because they drive a "Big White SUV", in not really RAS afterall.
  12. With all due respect, if this is the case, why do all the Drug Task Force officers pull over the Blacks and Mexicans on I-40, west of Nashville? I travel the stretch of 1-40, between Nashville and just west of Dickson on a regular basis, and I've done so for at least the last 5 years. The problem is, not one time have I ever seen them searching a vehicle belonging to us crackers. I'm not saying they don't pull over the whites, but at the rate I've seen, it's profiling at it's best. I'd really be interested in the statistics of each stop made by the Drug Task Force. I'd like to know the reasoning behind each and every stop. I'd like to know how many of those stops in which a vehicle was searched actually resulted in a drug bust. I'd like to know the percentages of Whites, Blacks, Mexicans, and all others.
  13. Could that be any worse than what we've got at this point? Either way, we the people, have no control whatsoever.
  14. I was just in Harbor Freight in Donelson, last week. They had several models in stock. I love that store.
  15. Get dropped in by helicopter, and you'll be good to go.
  16. If we were talking about 1 or 2 children, the state would have taken a much different stance. Really, what is the State of Texas gonna do with 450 children? It would be a complete nightmare, and no one wants to deal with such a burden.
  17. Oh! He's a Glock fan. I don't like him anymore.
  18. +1 And, I don't think he'd let anyone sway his decisions.


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