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Everything posted by Marswolf

  1. I'll be happier when Naifeh is being missed.... You know, I never saw Shaft nor Hayes in the Simpson's role. Just not my style. But I did buy Hayes' first album Hot Buttered Soul when it first came out. Always one of my favorite albums. I ended up in Chicago at O'Haire talking to one of his best friends once. Hayes had just won some sort of award and somehow the topic came up. I think the guy was really surprised how much I knew about Hayes' music. RIP.
  2. Pretty much what Joe said. I know of a couple of shops in Johnson city who have posted (not legally) that guns have to be unloaded and checked before you come in. So I don't ever come in any more. Screw them. OTOH, there is a shop in Greeneville that has a sign saying that loaded guns must remain in their holster. I think that is both reasonable and sensible.
  3. Careful, we'll heat up the barbecue wars again. I think I'll do something like Chicken Cordon Blue tonight. But I don't think I have ham or Swiss cheese, so I'll probably substitute prosciutto and feta cheese. Probably a bagel for breakfast and BLT for lunch. It's lawn day, so something simple and light for lunch sounds good.
  4. I've always liked everywhere I've lived. Hell, I've liked everywhere I visited, including some hell-holes. I just get into local cultures and enjoy them. Plus I'm not smart enough to be afraid. Sounds like we have some more people on this board like that. But I've always ended up moving back to East-Tennessee. But as others have mentioned...I don't recommend anyone else to move here.
  5. Even though the sport is subjectively scored, I watched the Men's Gymnastics competition last night & early morning. Good show. Phelps is phenomenal. I watched Mark Spitz, on television, back in 1972 win 7 gold. Phelps will very likely win his 8 golds.
  6. I'm going with sirloin tips with onion and pepper tonight. Probably some sort of squash side dish with something else. Garlic mashed potatoes sounds good right now.
  7. Carter was the guy who really gutted our foreign intelligence services. Unfortunately, Reagan through Bush II did nothing to correct that idiocy. That led us to the current Iraqi matter. If we had better Intel, we probably wouldn't have gone in there.
  8. Good grief. The anti-Bush whining gets old. History will determine his legacy and I'm betting it will be a lot better than Jimmy Carter's. Wartime Presidents are never popular. At the time, there was tremendous opposition to even FDR. Our great-grand-kids will make the determination. And as far as conservatism is concerned, IMHO a true conservative works to keep government out of peoples' lives. That includes not making laws - for or against - abortion, suicide, etc. Being a busybody is not being a conservative. Supporting individual liberty is the mark of a real conservative. Rant off.
  9. Thank you comrade. I agree with the first part. Losing a job die to downsizing is just part of the deal these days. The reason for the downsizing probably has more to do with corporate survival than greed these days. Even if a company is still making money, the funding dries up if it can't keep the profit margins up. But it really sucks when you are the one being cut. As has been said, start job hunting NOW! At least you have a couple more months of paychecks. Just hang in there and make the job hunt the primary priority.
  10. I guess it's alright to empathize with the poor and homeless as long as you don't have to actually associate with them.
  11. But the French are well prepared - just like the Maginot Line.
  12. A friend of mine, ex police chief, has the perfect use for a Hi-Point. He keeps it in his pick-um-up-truck. Always handy and if someone steals it, he won't cry much.
  13. Wish I had a really good answer for this area, Unfortunately the real mom & pop place recently increased it's hours as well as it's prices. Still not bad though for the Tri-cities. E.B's Fillin" Station (Formerly Harr's Gas station); 2883 Hwy 126; Blountville, TN 423-323-8941. On the old road between Blountville and Bristol. Decent (not great) country food at a reasonable price. They were pretty great before they raised the prices on the 2 biscuits and gravy plus bacon for $1.99. Now it's $2.99. Great before; marginal now. I probably won't be back.
  14. If the maters ain't fresh...they ain't maters.
  15. Aw, come on now Hi-Points don't have nothin' to do with concealed weapons badges. The Hi-Point is a fine...if bulky...handgun. Hell of a lot better than a Glock................
  16. Hey, he's not runnin' this time. FU!
  17. Right now, I'm watching various events during the NASCAR yellow flags. Maybe they will do some live events tonight. Looks like Internet live feeds are the way to go. I'm still waiting for the bobsled.
  18. Nope. You can't carry where it is sold for consumption, not when it is sold.
  19. Maybe whoever was running against him was a dodo?
  20. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. IMHO, during the Olympics is not the time to protest Tibet, human rights policies, or the death penalty in the host country. I've grown tired of narcissistic know-it-all / know-nothing "protesters." I thought the opening ceremony was entertaining. Since it cost $30M, I guess it should have been. But I'm really more interested in the athletic events.
  21. It only took about an hour-and-a-half to get around to the athletes. Isn't this supposed to be about athletes? No worse that previous opening ceremonies, I guess.
  22. Less than 5 minutes till the opening ceremony coverage on NBC. Yes, I'm watching.
  23. Marswolf

    KELTEC choice

    I'd be less concerned about in pocket carry than IWB. The choice is probably side-carry vs IWB carry.
  24. I always think of Lenin (not the Beatle) when I see a goatee. But then again, I'm probably not the one you are trying to attract.
  25. Not wanting to discourage you Cody, but most younger guys who have facial hair don't look more macho but instead more goofy. But if you really want it, go for it.


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