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Posts posted by NoBanStan

  1. 1 hour ago, deerslayer said:

    Apples and oranges.  If drug users pull out drugs and start using them, that is illegal whether they are in your place of business or not (at least around here).  If it becomes legal to use, I bet you can still ask them to leave.  After all, there are “no smoking” “no drinking on premises” and “no shirt no shoes no service” signs.  On the other hand, possession of a gun itself is not automatically a crime.  

    Just using it as an example. replace drugs with... hunting, driving a car, setting up a tent. whatever. Anything that might encroach on your rights as a property owner. That's my real point. Where is the line drawn between your rights and the owners?

    • Like 1
  2. Not a fan honestly. I dislike places that won't allow me to carry, but that's why I won't patron them. However, it's their choice to lose my money.

    Let's replace firearms with something else. Some states allow drug use. Would I want to see a bill that allows drug users to enter my property/business and use? Maybe that's far fetched, but in other places, it isn't.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Alleycat72 said:

    I'm working on that. He has recently met someone that has somewhat grounded him. I'm sitting here with fingers crossed. I'm a really good bad guy, but I really need to know it's necessary. I hope it's not necessary. 

    Maybe you'll get lucky and it'll work itself out.

  4. On 1/15/2024 at 8:31 AM, res308 said:

    That reminds me of Sicario. One of my favorites.....except for that woman playing the arrogant, bullheaded, whiney fbi agent. The movie was great but would have been better without that character. 

    So back to the point, I can also recommend the Equalizer with Denzel. 

    And, if you really need something to do, I can always recommend the endless supply of good old fashioned westerns. 

    Man that first Sicario was epic. For me, it was the Johan Johanson soundtrack (sadly, he died). He said he wanted to create a soundtrack that wasn't music, just purely suspense. Frickin NAILED it.

    The night raid scene still gets my hyped (that and the bridge)

    Also, it's fitting that in thermal, Emily Blunt looks like she's from They Live. OBEY! CONSUME!


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  5. On 1/15/2024 at 6:32 AM, Darrell said:

    I don't think I'd ever done so before, but I went to see Top Gun Maverick in the theater twice. I love that kind of movie, so well, in fact, that I bought the DVD and have seen it at least twice more at home. I read that they're working on another Top Gun move, if Cruise ever finishes with his other projects.

    Late to the party on this one.

    Ya know... I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. It was FAR better than anything produced lately, but it just felt like one big trope. The original was campy but those characters felt larger than life. The pilots in his movie just seemed blah, the new love interest was blah, the final battle was literally (first time trying the spoiler tag)


    The Death Star run

  6. now i think we need a miata topic. i'm dying to get myself a tinker-mobile. even have the wife onboard but man those used prices... yeesh. everyone acting like they're sitting on a gold mine.

    Oh yeah and something, something snow (so we can say we're on topic).

    • Like 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, deerslayer said:

    I took my wife’s uncle for a ride in ours.  He was about 6’2/325 and wore 30” length pants.  He was basically a torso.  His chin was flush with the top of the windshield.    

    I'm 6'2" myself, so i can only imagine @monkeylizard. I would pay good money to watch my two best pals in it. They are 6'8" and 6'9". HAHAHA.. that visual.

    • Haha 1
  8. 23 hours ago, monkeylizard said:

    Hello, fellow Mazda-nerd! Mazda Tribute, CX-5, and a Miata in my current lineup. I've had a 323, two 626s, and a Mazda3 hatch. The Miata is a garage queen, but I can't say I wasn't tempted to put the hardtop on and cut some donuts in the cul-de-sac last week   🙂


    Dang! that's pretty clean looking. I want one to tinker with but I would look like Herman Munster sitting in it (or maybe Lurch)

  9. I feel you guys in this. My driveway and front steps are aggregate, so a shovel is impossible unless I want to damage it. So I just have to go in through the garage.

  10. 30 minutes ago, hipower said:

    Blue taped mag. Isn't that blanks?

    HAHAHHAHA i didn't even notice! that makes it so much more enjoyable to watch.

    Sadly no, but the general with him is just as awesome as he is.


  11. It sucks man, but sometimes men have to hear hard things. This means someone has to tell them. Maybe that's you or maybe that isn't. Could ruin your friendship or it may be the grease he needs to shape up. Tough choice man.

    You obviously care about your boy, or you wouldn't help him or be asking some online folks their thoughts. That tells me you're doing from a good place.

    I had a friend get lost in his bottle for awhile. One night I had it and I threatened to beat him senseless till he stopped. Surprisingly, my rage at him left its mark. Think I scared him real good. (I'm pretty easy going. Also, I didn't lay a hand on him). He straightened himself out.

    Pray on it man. Sure can't hurt, right?

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  12. That is why I was eyeballing 🙂

    I have a private sale pending, this was certainly an option for those upcoming funds.

    **edit** Looks like what I responded to here was removed.

  13. **Disclaimer** I don't watch anything anymore, I'm over TV. The last two shows I watched were Alone and Forged in Fire. I'm pretty much over both,  but we keep TV because the wife still has some shows she watches

    We were Comcast people forever, (Since '@home' was a thing). Namely, because it was THE option. They had a great TV experience with a lot of stuff available via OnDemand, but their internet speeds, data caps and moving target bill were awful. Plus any troubleshooting was maddening. As soon as we had the opportunity we ditched out fast.

    We went with TDS fiber and their TV service. The internet is great but TV is abysmal. We had their original box which was like a 1990s TV experience. Eventually we got the Tivo box and it still sucked. I ditched it and went internet only, which is great so far by the way. We got a lifetime 1gb up/down for a fixed fee. I think it's $70? I know people got cheaper in the past but that's still WAY cheaper than anything I've gotten from other providers.

    From there we bought into YouTube TV. The UI was very.... OK. It's feels like YouTube. I hated the DVR for it. If memory serves, you couldn't record only new stuff. You picked a show and it recorded every time it played. My kids recorded Impractical  Jokers once.... came back to hundreds of episodes. No history channel either (at the time, which was a deal breaker for me). They have also hiked the price several times in the last year or two.

    We switched to Hulu which has been a better experience. I got history.. which I don't even watch anymore and she gets her stuff. Occasionally there's a decent movie. I do not pay for ad free because I can innately tune them out.

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