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Everything posted by 300winmag

  1. I bet he has some people with guns protecting him at football games.  He may even hire some folks with guns to protect him other places too.  What is good for him is not good for you.
  2. http://bearingarms.com/breaking-mississippi-join-constitutional-carry-wave/     It looks like MS will have a form of Constitutional carry in addition to a regular concealed handgun license and an enhanced license that allows concealed carry anywhere but courtrooms and police stations.  Mississippi also has unlicensed open carry and car carry.   That seems to be a lot better than what we got out of our legislature this year.
  3. Everything in that state is regulated to death.  It isn't just guns.  All the state government regulations out there make everything expensive.
  4. Yeah and this is what the republican super majority will claim as a 'pro gun' bill and why they should be re elected to help further our gun rights.  They could have done more but it is obvious they did not want to do more.
  5. But the politicians got an A rating from the NRA for the bill so it was worth it to them so they can tell voters that they are pro gun.
  6. Yeah good luck trying to avoid posted places in downtown Nashville or downtown Memphis.  If you do any business at the state or local government buildings or hospitals you may not be able to legally carry.  I guess if you do everything in a small town and just go to Wal Mart, it's easy to avoid posted places because there aren't any.
  7. It looks like this bill has made it through committee in the House and the Senate a couple of days ago.  It will be voted on the floor in the Senate and move to a House education committee.   The bill has some changes that make this bill even more restrictive.  Basically the employee must notify the campus police that he will be carrying.  He also cannot carry in the school stadiums, any sort of hospital owned by the school, and disciplinary hearings.   This is just another highly restrictive bill that helps very few people trying to carry and protect themselves.  If I visit a college, I can't carry because I'm not an employee. 
  8. The whole Jan 2015 clause makes the law just as unclear.  It seems like this law is never used, but it is a bad law that could be used by someone on a power trip to hassle an otherwise honest person.     The time spent on changing up these sign requirements could have been used to just remove the law or at least remove the criminal penalty, but I guess there just wasn't much desire on the NRA's part to actually help people with permits.  This kind of bill and other supposedly pro gun bills moving through the legislature are just proof that no one really wants to make it any easier on people carrying with permits.
  9. Texas is not that great as far as carry.  There are quite a few places you can't legally carry a gun there.     It sounds like the guy at the church in Memphis had some sort of mental issue if he was being taken for evaluation.  It's kind of sad for something like that to happen on Easter.  There's got to be more to this story than what the media is reporting.
  10. No school is going to just have a policy allowing people to carry handguns and the politicians know that.  Most will revise their present no weapons policies and add in to prohibit people with permits.  You may have a few small schools in very rural areas but those will be the exception.  Basically this is another bill that doesn't change anything and gives these guys brownie points from the NRA so they can say they are 'pro gun'.  The politicians have been unwilling to just give us a clean exception on school property.  I guess this is the best we can get out of the most conservative legislature in the country and a Republican super majority.
  11. If you don't have a permit, you could carry the gun on you if you are in your car.  You can keep it on you when you get out of the car if you drive up to your property or another place you can carry without a permit, such as a range or where you are hunting or fishing.
  12. And he probably broke the 'no guns' sign law too if there are no gun signs at the capitol.  There is no exception for unloaded guns in that law.
  13. Which the employer will find out when the employee notifies the campus police that he is carrying.  So basically no employee will carry legally in addition to people who aren't employees and still won't be legal.
  14. It looks like the college employee carry bill made it through house sub committee yesterday.  The bill was already pretty restrictive because it only legalizes carry for a employee carrying at the college he works for.  The bill was modified and made even more restrictive by requiring these college employees to notify the campus police that they are carrying.   What person is going to want to notify the campus police (basically also their job) that they are carrying?   So it looks like another worthless bill for the politicians to get their NRA brownie points in an election year and say they are 'pro gun' but in reality not help people with permits. 
  15. The federal Gun Free School Zones Act makes an exception for people with a license carrying in a school.  The state just needs to grant the same exception to be legal carrying in a school.   Here is the federal exception:   (ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license;
  16. You can legally carry in a K-12 school in Missouri too with a license.  The school may ask you to leave if the school finds out you are carrying but you are legal as long as you have a license in Missouri.   Utah, Oregon, and Kansas are states out west that I can think of where it is legal to carry in a K-12 school with a license also.  You used to be able to carry in a K-12 school in California until January of this year.  Now you have to get permission from the school to carry to be legal and you know that no school will give permission.   Also Delaware and Rhode Island it is legal also for licensees to carry in K-12 schools.   Remember, if it isn't made illegal then it is legal to carry in a place.  Also a school can and probably would ask you to leave if your gun is seen in most or all of these states where carry is legal in a K-12 school.   In my opinion, we are short changing ourselves by not pointing to these other states in an effort to improve our handgun permit restrictions.
  17. Yeah I think it is a joke that people in places like Alabama and New Hampshire basically have a background check done on the spot often times to get a license with no class/range time and can carry on school and university property legally while we jump through so many hoops here to get a permit and are somehow perceived by the politicians and media to be unqualified to carry in those places.
  18. Yeah i think in an ideal world we would be able to legally carry in any location without any sort of permit.  Reality is, in the states where it is legal to carry in places like schools and universities, you generally need a license to carry in those locations.  I would rather pay 50 bucks every 4 years to carry legally in a school than not pay the 50 bucks and not be legal in that location.     I think you have a much sounder argument to legalize school carry when you say that in half the states people can carry with a license at a college and several you can carry again with a license in K-12 schools.   I don't think you'd have a sound argument, with examples from other states, to legalize those locations without a permit.
  19. I do know you can open carry and car carry in Mississippi without a permit.  You then can get a permit without training and you have a decent list of places you can't legally carry concealed.  Then you can take basically the same class we take and get an enhanced license and carry anywhere but a courtroom during court and a police station.  You can carry at K-12 schools and universities with an enhanced license in Mississippi.  The schools and any property with or without a legal no gun sign can ask you to leave in Mississippi but you don't have to worry about any sort of weapons charge if you take the class and get an enhanced license.   Personally, I think treating our handgun carry permit like an enhanced license is treated in Mississippi would help it continue to be purchased by people even if we had constitutional carry.  From what I understand, the enhanced license in MS is pretty popular.  I don't think you'll ever get school and university carry in TN legalized without a permit.  It is possible with a permit.
  20. I am just talking legally carry anywhere and not going into the state over riding policies of businesses.  Off duty LEO's can carry anywhere legally in the state but can be asked by property owners to leave by business policy.  Some states treat pistol licensees the same way as off duty LEO's as far as not having any legal restrictions.   For example, I may have a business policy against people drinking liquor in their offices on company property.  However it is not illegal by state law for people to drink in their offices.  All I can do is ask an employee or other person to leave and the person has every right to carry his liquor out the door with him.  I can't have the police come and arrest the person for drinking on my property and confiscate the person's alcohol for breaking a company policy.   Why would you not want to be able to carry anywhere legally and the state not have the ability to enforce company and state government policies as criminal weapons violations?
  21. If you had to choose between Constitutional carry with the present restrictions that we have VS unrestricted permit carry (basically legal in any location you carry whether it is a store or school), which would you choose?   I personally would choose to pay for the handgun carry permit and carry anywhere legally without restrictions VS the constitutional carry with the various gun free area restrictions.
  22. Yeah it looks like this is one of the few bills that we will get this year.  It doesn't help me but i was under the impression that public universities could and did kick students out of college because they all have no gun policies.  Still it is not much of a help for most people with permits that aren't in school or work for a school.   The average person with a handgun carry permit will get nothing out of the state legislature as far as reducing restrictions on where we can legally carry.  So much for most conservative legislature in the country.
  23. It looks like a bill that prevents public universities from taking disciplinary action against students and faculty for having firearms in their cars (with permits) parked on university property has passed both the House and Senate.   This is a good bill that will help people with permits from being kicked out of school when they have a permit and keep a gun in the vehicle at the college.  It is my understanding that presently a college could expel a student over keeping a gun in the vehicle legally.
  24. Yeah we don't have a very pro 2nd amendment legislature and any improvements are slow.  It took several years just to get the park carry law straightened out.  But things are better here carry wise than several years ago when you couldn't carry in most decent restaurants or in any park.  The car carry law was also a big improvement for people without permits.
  25. That bill probably will probably not change anything.  The time spent on this bill would have been better spent on a bill to actually improve things.  You only get so many opportunities a year for pro gun bills.


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