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Everything posted by leroy

  1. Stopped by at Benton Shooter's Supply today. Noticed that there were several sleeves of primers in the shelves in the reloading department. They were priced at $250.00 for 5000. That is $50.00 per thousand. I didn't bother to price them per 1000; as I thought the sleeve price was ridiculous. I understand that adults are to be as responsible (or irresponsible) as they care to be; and that nobody makes anybody else buy anything that they dont want. I also understand the "Buyer Beware" buying philosophy, and picking the "low hanging fruit" selling philosophy. Sooner or later this primer shortage will be over; and prices will drop to the real market price level. Many responsible retailers understand this fact. Midway recently had primers (which they promptly sold out of) for $30.00/thousand -- that figures to $150.00 per sleeve before adding HAZMAT and shipping. You shooters that trade with Benton Shooters Supply for reloading stuff need to remember what you have seen. Many responsible retailers simply choose to sell out of an "in demand" item and keep the price where it should be and to treat their customers as they should be treated; that is, fairly. Others choose to take advantage of the shortage. There is simply no reason outside of price gouging that primers should be priced at $50/thousand. I suspect that there are many area shooters who helped to make this company a success who regularly read this forum that need to consider just how foolish these folks must think you are and adjust their buying habits and sources of supply accordingly.
  2. Thanks for reminding us of the great truth that many times those with political aspirations aspire to be tyrants.
  3. I am an old guy that started shooting over 50+ years ago. I was raised on revolvers and 1911's. I still love them. I recently bought a Glock 33 for concealed carry. The Glock 33 fits in my front (or back) dungaree pocket. It will fit in the front pocket of my sunday khakis. I am a handloader and shoot regularly. The Glock is as reliable as anything I have ever handled. They are ugly when compared to "real guns" --N Frame Smiths, Colt 1911's, and other great things like Single Action Armies -- what they bring to the party is reasonable cost (about $500 vs 1200), great reliability, concealability, and a stupendous punch (357 sig) that you just can't get anywhere else for the money. Gaston Glock is a genius who did something that very few inventors have ever done. He designed and built a completely new pistol that is superbly accurate, cheap to build, easy to take apart, and is easy to shoot. All you need to to with a Glock is to know how to pull the trigger. All in all; they are ugly; but a great thing. Try one out sometime and it will make you a believer. Kind Regards, LEROY
  4. In the old days we always used "small base" dies to resize any semi-auto or slide action rifle brass. They will full length resize the case to the minimum dimensions for the cartridge. This extra few thousands of resizing ensures reliable functioning in semi-auto and slide action rifles. Hope this helps. Kind Regards, LEROY
  5. It is laughable to presume that Arlen Specter is a friend to Republicans. He simply is not one. Specter's "Defection" is simply a self-preservation move. He does not want to face Toomey in a Republican Primary this fall. The Republicans in Pennsylvania (there are some, about 50% in western PA) were outraged at Specter's vote for the Oboma stimulus bill, and decided it was time for Arlen to go. Don't be sad that Specter is gone; good riddance. He has done nothing but vote to further his own despicable adgenda (himself). Arlen Specter may well be voted out of office in his next election bid. I say it is high time Republicans get rid of some of these politicians who have made their career by voting and promoting themselves. Arlen Specter is a disgrace to the people of Pennsylvania and this country as a whole. He is now at home in the Democrat Party; which has changed from the party of FDR and your fathers who worked in the 50's to the party of socialists, communists, deviants, anti-capitalists; and anti-guners who would make us all slaves and wards of the state. It is my hope that more like him will target themselves by switching sides. At this juncture in American History; I simply do not believe you can align yourselves with the Democrat party and honestly believe you are for the principles that this country was founded on. Let the purge begin!! LEROY
  6. Add Unique to the list. It and 231 are great for all pistol calibers.
  7. The Meadowview gunshow was great!! Went saturday. Travelled from knoxville to kingsport. Great venue, courteous people. Highly recommend that you find time to go today. LEROY


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