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Electric B

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Everything posted by Electric B

  1. My wife ROCKS !!! The other night I had my deer rifle out cleaning it. She said "what's that" I said "a rifle I picked up today, Can you believe it cost $2700.00" which was a lie. She said "Cool rifle" Never batted an eye. Gotta love that !!!!
  2. If the weather tomorrow is as beautiful as today I may ride over and check it out.
  3. Got it back today. I did'nt think that that was to bad.
  4. I found this yeaterday while cleaning, I think it came from On Target years ago, before the fire. Check out the price $11.99, I had even written on the box what Wally World was charging for WWB at that time. My how things have changed.
  5. I worked on the Mississippi when I was younger. We hit a bridge once and a big part of the tow broke loose. It was about 2 or 3 in the morning. It knocked me out of my bed !!!!!
  6. Electric B

    New AR

    Great gun, Great price !!
  7. Major waste of time, the VERY SMALL BUILDING, small crowd and I could hardly move around. If I was a vendor I would be pissed !!!!! The building was already getting hot when I left at 10:30 ish.
  8. Electric B

    Back to Sig

    I think my 220 is broken
  9. Call Mike The Saddle Shop
  10. I got a letter today from Gene Kennedy from Legally Armed. I the envelope with along with other materials was a note stating that Gene will be at the Gun Show in Smyrna this weekend and that this will be the last show held at this location because the building has been sold. Your guess is as good as mine.
  11. ^^^^^^^^^ +1 I never have felt bad for saving money.
  12. That was cool. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Does anyone have or has ever had a Double Star AR 15? If so did you like it??


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