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Everything posted by setsdw

  1. I'm on top of the mountain in Sparta and the fog thick and its drizzling rain. Not the best day for getting out for a ride. Visibility is about 10 feet
  2. Mine was the same way. Threads were poking through. I ordered a new tire back in Nov and then the weather got bad. When we had sun on Thursday I went home that night and took my wheel off and had it at the shop the next day. They put the tire on for me and by 3 pm I was out cruising again.
  3. We need to have a TGO ride sometime. I'm sure there would be several on here that would be up for it.
  4. Not this year I was on the Honda Sabre. I did ride 86 on the bicycle last year for a MS benefit but it was in South Carolina. No hills like the ones I was on today down there.
  5. Shot placement would be TOP priority. If you're off at all at 50 yards and wound him it make take several days for him to fall.
  6. Also How do I know which generation? Here is a pic of the one the guys has.
  7. I've had a few Taurus pistols (revolvers and autos) and have never had an issue. What does these go for used? I've been finding them in the $350 range.
  8. Got the bike out and rode 75 miles today for the first time since Nov. It felt awesome. I rode from Sparta to Spencer, down 30 and back up the other side to Fall Creek Falls, down 111 to 30 again and back out 285 and Hickory Valley Road. Great ride. Lot of piles of salt to watch out for but this coming rain should take care of those. Put a new rear tire on yesterday and this was a great way to break it in. Anyone else been out riding since the new year?
  9. Thinking about getting one of these. Any opinions? I had a 24/7compact at one time and loved it.
  10. I've got a few really close friends that I've know for many years and if SHTF we would all band together with are families. This is not a survival group but a close knit bunch of guys that I would trust my or my wife's life with. That's the only way I could do it. I could never trust strangers even if they were a "survival group". The fact is that you never know how people will act under extreme duress.
  11. I had a great Ishapore for awhile. I refinished the stock because it was so rough and it looked great. Kicked like a mule but was deadly accurate.
  12. Yeah you've got to remember that the Mosin was developed to be used by uneducated Russian conscripts in Siberian winters. Function over form that's for sure. No graduate degree need to throw lead down range with these guys.
  13. I ended up going with this and a harris bipod. I'll post pics when I get it all in.
  14. You can still find genuine 98k's with all the markings out there anywhere from $250 to $400 depending on the markings and condition. If you are just interested in a pure shooters the Yugo M48's are great. I had one that was very rough on the outside but was a tack driver. Is the Mosin a superior choice? Apples to oranges. Totally different designs and totally different cartridges. If you get one you'll want them all Right now 7.62x54 for the mosins is still cheap and readily available. Next would be the 8mm for the k98. The Enfields are a blast to shoot but decent 303 is getting a little hard to find. Last but not least the K31 Swiss is a fantastic rifle with totally unique design features. The downside is the price of 7.5x55. It's hard to find and pricey. It all boils down to why you want the rifle (shooter, historical significance, price) But I warn you surplus rifles are addictive. One day you'll turn around and notice you have Mosins from every country. Check out surplusrifle.com for some more cool info.
  15. setsdw

    9mm AR15

    I've shot a SBR Colt 9mm quite a bit and I loved it.
  16. That looks like the ticket. Which bipod is the best reasonably priced for that type of mount?
  17. Its an AR for sure. Heres the full pic How much did it cost for the place in Knoxville to drill and tap?
  18. I need som ehelp. I just got a great varmint upper for my AR and want to mount a bipod. I'm just not sure of the best way to go. It has a free floating handguard and their is no bayonet lug. Can anyone recommend a good bipod mounting solution? My only thought was to replace the gas block but wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the free floating barrel?
  19. setsdw


    +1 on the deodorant Also major +1 on the Romainian AKs. Just because they don't have Tacticool black stocks means nothing. I have 2 Romys and they fire just as accurate as the Saiga I once had. No FTF's ever! Save the money and go with one of those especially if its your 1st AK.
  20. I would also like to get a double barrel ready to go. One of those cheap coach guns with the double hammers would be nice. I would feel safe leaving one of those loaded witht the hammers down. The ones I've looked at have the firing pin blocked until the hammer is cocked.
  21. I keep a shotgun next to the bed chamber empty with the safety off but if I hear that bump in the night I'm reaching for the cocked n' locked 1911. My wife and I can wait on the other side of the bed behind cover till the walking dead shows his face. I have the shotgun ready in case for some crazy reason I have to go looking for him. Mossberg 500 with Truglo sights.
  22. I don't have a lot of time or money for a gym so I keep it simple. I run everyday and alternate days of doing pushups, pull ups, sit-ups, and curls with a bar. Plus in me free time I like to hike and rock climb. It keeps me interested where it doesn't feel like a chore all the time. I have an Alaskan Malamute that has tons of energy so he makes sure I take him running every morning.
  23. Just saw that Century Arms has the 32acp cylinder for $54.87.
  24. I've got the ammo sold locally now but I hope in the future to be able to ship. THanks for the advice.


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