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Capbyrd last won the day on April 12 2023

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About Capbyrd

  • Birthday 04/05/1983

Profile Information

  • Location
    Memphis TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Digital Distribution Manager


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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Community Answers

  1. Rob’s out here building whole bikes and my plans for the winter are just to get new bars installed.
  2. Penalties and turnovers really hurt but the defense held and pulled out the win. What a team.
  3. Mandated slides is fine but if the person teaching the class is unable to accurately convey that information or answer questions, you could leave in worse shape than you went in. And since there is a range component, as always, find a reputable instructor. There are others in the area but Tiff and Aq at Citizens Safety Academy in Murfreesboro are top notch.
  4. Rob continues to make me feel inadequate. All i did was paint a few more shiny pieces to be not so shiny and get rid of the license plate billboard.
  5. Polanski wasn't a negligent felon. I think we all understand the rules and how Baldwin's negligence led to his crime. Polanski's was intentional from the get go. So i say again, they aren't close to the same. That's all.
  6. And there are some of us that work in the public safety sector that can use these incidents as case studies to improve our response and hopefully at some point even prevent these from happening at all. In my office, I have spent more time studying these events and how to respond than anyone else. I continue that on my own time and my own dime so that if anything happens, I am as prepared as I can be.
  7. Not nearly the level of work you did but i got rid of a little more chrome last week myself. I've had these black heat shields for about two years and finally got them swapped over. This winter I think I want to tear the front end apart and poweder coat it all.
  8. This guy is responsible for a great deal of my automotive knowledge. Joe was great!
  9. Great look. Looks like its gonna be a fun bike.
  10. Im not a fishtail fan but its coming along. Oil tank and rocker covers next?
  11. Unfortunately, my work schedule has changed and I will have to work that night. You guys enjoy.


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