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Clod Stomper

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Posts posted by Clod Stomper

  1. Whut??? You mean a DA gun that just looks like one?


    I think High Standard tried that somewhere around the '70s.


    Lemme do a search.


    Edit:  Here's a link to a pic.




    I bet the trigger pull is atrocious.

  2. There are felons and felons - murderers and people who crossed the IRS. Don't be so hasty.

    True. But apparently the guy has MULTIPLE felonies. I realize that I'm assuming, but it doesn't sound like he filed his 1040 improperly.

    Edit: after rereading the OP, he gave no indication that they were violent crimes. So mea culpa. Maybe he is just a tax violator.
  3. The ONLY acceptable side for a prime, dry aged ribeye, is another prime, dry aged ribeye.

    Damn vaginatarians, coming over here & messing with our steaks.......


    Vaginatarian!  HA!  I think that describes me.  


    Ok people.  Back on topic!!

  4. "You see that mountain over there?  Yeah, one of the days I'm gonna climb that mountain..."


    This one is from several years ago in Wyoming.  My last trip out west to "fight" fire.  We stopped to take some pics of the Tetons.  




    And of course the obligatory pic of my little boy.



    • Like 3
  5. For 200, I'd use Duracote or Cerakote. Heck, I'd probably use chalkboard paint as Dolomite_Supafly has mentioned. I certainly wouldn't put a 100-150 dollar finish on a $200 pistol.

    Heckuva deal, btw.

    Edit: As far as blue, it's basically cosmetic, not protective. Phosphate is a bit better in that it will hold oil. Even better, it will hold Dura- or Cerakote very well.
  6. My dog is 16 months old and my fiance wants to get him snipped. I've heard this can lead to a personality change that isn't for the better. I've also read that it will cut down on these nasty piss spots all over the floor where is junk drips. It is disgusting! 


    I know that it is the responsible thing to do buy I just want to make sure he's not going to be worse for it.


    What is your roles were reversed?  What would you want him to do to you?  



    Just kidding.  I'd have them chopped off.  Not mine, the dog's.

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