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Clod Stomper

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Posts posted by Clod Stomper

  1. Actually my very first move, unless you are absolutely sure you aren't anticipating the shot, would be to let a couple other people shoot it. "Bucking" (the opposite of flinching) will cause low shots too.

    It may well not be the problem, but you may want to rule it out.
  2. Btw, looks like H&R has, or will be, ending production of all single shot rifles and shotguns. Supposedly the barrel program actually ended some time ago, even though website shows nothing about any of this.


    - OS


    What on earth are they going to make then?  .32 Long pocket rockets?

  3. According to common "rules", and my experience also, lighter bullets will hit lower.  Reason being is that the pistol starts recoiling as soon as the bullet leaves the case.  A heavier bullet recoils more AND moves slower, so the muzzle has more time to rise before the bullet leaves the muzzle.  So they hit higher.


    However, it never hurts to try and see what a lighter bullet will do. 

    • Like 1
  4. I agree. I think the stamp is relevant but it may not be directly relevant but more of a reflection of other parts of the story (relating to the "W").

    On second thoughts, lets go more literal: The Zombies with the W are clearly meant to represent Republicans, (D*mn left-wing-pinko show producers) and the A clearly marks Rick as an anarchist who will smash the system which is the smoothly operating Communist Regime that is Alexandria (As previously eluded to in a throwaway comment by Madame President). The A is missing its exterior circle which is instead provided by the encircling metal wall (which is also a reference to the iron curtain). "Button" the horse is symbolic of the buttons of the two nuclear super-powers which would have unleashed nuclear Armageddon if pushed.

    Or not. Dunno.

    I think you just out-Farrakhan'ed Louis Farrakhan. :clap:

    Oops. Almost forgot.

    Cookies! http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2015/03/bake-your-own-batch-of-carols-cookies-with-this-recipe/
  5. All this talk about diesel makes me want to do what a guy on a Nissan xterra forum did and swap out my the gas engine in my frontier for a diesel

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I batted that idea around in my head for a while.

    Where did he find a Diesel engine? Out of a Navara?
    • Like 1
  6. While I agree with protecting your hearing, what do you guys think about preparing for a self-defense shooting? I mean you aren't going to have ear protection on. Shouldn't you know what to really expect if you get in a situation like that?

    I've heard the same argument from people about hunting.

    Something like this

    "I can't wear earmuffs out in the woods when I'm hunting. "

    No, maybe not (unless they're electronic), but can wear them in the backyard when you're shooting.

    "I want to get used to gunfire."

    There is a clinical term for gettin used to loud noises. It's called "deafness".

    I did plenty of shooting (and mowing, and sawing and tractor work, etc.) without ear protection when I was younger. Now I have hearing loss to show for it.
    • Like 1
  7. So essentially it's like you're wearing Night Vision Goggles all the time, what with the lack of depth perception?


    I wouldn't compare it to that, no.  Since I was born like this, I have no idea what it is like to have 2 eyes.  But my brain has compensated, I think.  Based on things like movement, relative size, things like that, I can judge distances fairly well.  Sometimes I catch myself subconsciously moving my head back and forth to see the relative movement of objects.  Sort of triangulating, I guess.


    It's easy to see what it's like.  Just cover one eye and see how the world is different.

  8. I'm just like your son. I'm right-handed but can barely see out of my right eye.

    I don't know how old your son is, but teach him now to shoot long guns left-handed. It is the easiest solution. He will quickly get used to it.

    Like Murgatroy said, using some odd device will limit him to whatever rifle that device is on. On top of that, if the sight is off to the side, he will be limited to whatever distance it is sighted in. POI will move right if it's closer and left if it's farther out.

    Good luck.
  9. I always heard the reason for the black talon ban was th protect emergency medical professionals from blood borne decease because of the way they expanded they were very sharp and would cut thru gloves and skin when they were working on gun shoot vec.

    Well, that was part of the propaganda program against them. Complete BS of course. Any jacket bullet can have sharp edges.

    Oh, and they weren't banned. Winchester changed the name and omitted the black coating on the bullet.
  10. I have been on the look out for the w296 as well, I am told that it looks identicle to h110 but that cannot be found either, so the search continues.

    Not just looks identical, IS identical.

    I wonder if Dolomite ever tested the Surplus Pistol Powder that David is, or was, selling with the .300 BLK. He may still have some.
  11. May I interject here?

    "Windage" and "elevation" are two different things. "Kentucky Windage", as far as I know, refers to holding off the target to the left or right (without adjusting the sights) to adjust for wind.

    I've never heard the term "Kentucky Elevation", but I imagine if it were a thing, it would be holding over or under to adjust for distance.
  12. As an interesting aside, those Nato cans are based on a German design and they were much sought after by British troops in the war as their cans were prone to damage and hard to carry. It actually got to where the Germans would leave behind booby trapped cans.

    Hence the term "Jerry" can.

    They may have been on the wrong side in that war, but they know how to make stuff.
  13. Now that you say that, we have had this discussion before, haven't we?


    :lol:  Yeah, two or three years ago.



    Woke up with it not hurting except for a minor irritation thankfully. Well if I can keep from touching it with my tongue lol.

    I'm still going to have it checked Monday.


    That's good.  You got a brief respite.  I would get it fixed ASAP.  


    Come to think of it, I have an uncle that pulled several of my baby teeth.  I'm sure he'd be happy to pull yours for a fair price.  


    No, he isn't a dentist.   :devil:


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